Creating an Auto Action Event

The steps to create a Workload XM auto action event, which is triggered when a job or query meets the action’s criteria and conditions. For example, when a job uses too much memory it may cause other jobs to fail or increase a job’s runtime. You can create an action that informs you when a job is consuming too much memory.

Describes how to create a Workload XM Auto Action.
  1. In a supported browser, log in to the Workload XM web UI by doing the following:
    1. In the web browser URL field, enter the Workload XM URL that you were given by your system administrator and press Enter.
    2. When the Workload XM Log in page opens, enter your Workload XM user name and password access credentials.
    3. Click Log in.
  2. From the Workload XM Navigation side-bar, select Auto Actions.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • If no other auto actions exist, click Auto Actions Setup.
    • If other auto actions exist, click Create an Auto Action.
    The Auto Actions Create page opens.
  4. In the Auto Action Name field, enter a unique name that is easily identifiable.
  5. From the Engine list, do nothing.
  6. (Optional) Define the criteria for the auto action by doing the following:
    1. From the Criteria list, choose between Pool and User.
    2. From the Operator list, choose between ANY OF and NONE OF.
    3. In the Value field, enter the value for this filter.
  7. Define the trigger for the auto action by doing the following:
    1. From the Metric list, choose between Memory Allocated (MB) and Application Name.
    2. From the Operator list, select an operator.
    3. In the Value field, enter the value for this trigger condition.
    4. From the Action options, do nothing.
    5. In the Emails field, enter the email address that you use to log into Workload XM.
    6. In the Subject field, enter the subject for the email that distinguishes the subject matter from other auto action emails.
    7. Click Create, which creates the action and adds it on the Auto Actions home page.

      The Auto Actions page displays the action's configuration and status details in the following entry fields:

      • Status, contains the current state of the action, as either Enabled or Disabled.
      • Name, contains the unique name you entered for the auto action.
      • Action, contains either the command that is to be executed or the function that is to be performed when the action is triggered.
      • Engine, contains the selected engine on which the action is to be performed.
      • Triggers, contains the action's Trigger conditions.
      • Criteria, contains the action's Criteria filters.
When a job or query meets the auto action's criteria and conditions the action event is triggered.