3.8. Ambari Alerts



Potential Causes

Possible Remedies

Host Disk Usage

This host-level alert is triggered if the amount of disk space used on a host goes above specific thresholds (50% warn, 80% crit ).

The amount of free disk space left is low.

Check host for disk space to free or add more storage.

Ambari Agent Heartbeat

This alert is triggered if the server has lost contact with an agent.

Ambari Server host is unreachable from Agent host

Ambari Agent is not running

Check connection from Agent host to Ambari Server

Check Agent is running

Ambari Server Alerts

This alert is triggered if the server detects that there are alerts which have not run in a timely manner

Agents are not reporting alert status

Agents are not running

Check that all Agents are running and heartbeating