Hive Alerts
Alert |
Description |
Potential Causes |
Possible Remedies |
HiveServer2 Process |
This host-level alert is triggered if the HiveServer cannot be determined to be up and responding to client requests. |
HiveServer2 process is not running. HiveServer2 process is not responding. |
Using Ambari Web, check status of HiveServer2 component. Stop and then restart. |
HiveMetastore Process |
This host-level alert is triggered if the Hive Metastore process cannot be determined to be up and listening on the network for the configured critical threshold, given in seconds. |
The Hive Metastore service is down. The database used by the Hive Metastore is down. The Hive Metastore host is not reachable over the network. |
Using Ambari Web, stop the Hive service and then restart it. |
WebHCat Server Status |
This host-level alert is triggered if the WebHCat server cannot be determined to be up and responding to client requests. |
The WebHCat server is down. The WebHCat server is hung and not responding. The WebHCat server is not reachable over the network. |
Restart the WebHCat server using Ambari Web. |