Cloudbreak CLI reference
This section will help you get started with the Cloudbreak CLI after you have installed and configured it.
Command structure
The CLI command can contain multiple parts. The first part is a set of global options. The next part is the command. The next part is a set of command options and arguments which could include sub-commands.
cb [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
Command output
You can control the output from the CLI using the --output argument. The possible output formats include:
- JSON (
) - YAML (
) - Formatted table (
For example:
cb cluster list --output json
cb clusters list --output yaml
cb cluster list --output table
Configure CLI:
Cloud provider:
- cluster change-ambari-password
- cluster create
- cluster delete
- cluster describe
- cluster generate-template
- cluster generate-reinstall-template
- cluster list
- cluster repair
- cluster retry
- cluster scale
- cluster start
- cluster stop
- cluster sync
Image catalog
- imagecatalog create
- imagecatalog delete
- imagecatalog images
- imagecatalog list
- imagecatalog set-default
blueprint create
Adds a new blueprint from a file or from a URL.
Creates a blueprint by downloading it from a URL location
Creates a blueprint by reading it from a local file
Required options
--name <value>
Name for the blueprint
--url <value>
URL location of the Ambari blueprint JSON file
--name <value>
Name for the blueprint
--file <value>
Location of the Ambari blueprint JSON file on the local machine
--description <value>
Description of the resource
--server <value>
Cloudbreak server address [$CB_SERVER_ADDRESS]
--username <value>
Cloudbreak user name (e-mail address) [$CB_USER_NAME]
--password <value>
Cloudbreak password [$CB_PASSWORD]
--profile <value>
Selects a config profile to use [$CB_PROFILE]
--auth-type <value>
Authentication method to use. Values: oauth2, basic [$CB_AUTH_TYPE]
Public in account
Adds a blueprint from a URL:
cb blueprint create from-url --url --name test1
Adds a blueprint from a local file:
cb blueprint create from-file --file /Users/test/Documents/blueprints/test.bp --name test2
Related links
blueprint delete
Deletes an existing blueprint.
Required options
--name <value>
Blueprint name
--server <value>
Cloudbreak server address [$CB_SERVER_ADDRESS]
--username <value>
Cloudbreak user name (e-mail address) [$CB_USER_NAME]
--password <value>
Cloudbreak password [$CB_PASSWORD]
--profile <value>
Selects a config profile to use [$CB_PROFILE]
--auth-type <value>
Authentication method to use. Values: oauth2, basic [$CB_AUTH_TYPE]
cb blueprint delete --name "testbp"
blueprint describe
Describes an existing blueprint.
Required options
--name <value>
Blueprint name
--output <value>
Supported formats: json, yaml, table (default: "json") [$CB_OUT_FORMAT]
--server <value>
Cloudbreak server address [$CB_SERVER_ADDRESS]
--username <value>
Cloudbreak user name (e-mail address) [$CB_USER_NAME]
--password <value>
Cloudbreak password [$CB_PASSWORD]
--profile <value>
Selects a config profile to use [$CB_PROFILE]
--auth-type <value>
Authentication method to use. Values: oauth2, basic [$CB_AUTH_TYPE]
cb blueprint describe --name "Data Science: Apache Spark 2.1, Apache Zeppelin 0.7.0" { "Name": "Data Science: Apache Spark 2.1, Apache Zeppelin 0.7.0", "Description": "Data Science: Apache Spark 2.1, Apache Zeppelin 0.7.0", "HDPVersion": "2.6", "HostgroupCount": "3", "Tags": "DEFAULT" }
blueprint list
Lists available blueprints.
Required options
--output <value>
Supported formats: json, yaml, table (default: "json") [$CB_OUT_FORMAT]
--server <value>
Cloudbreak server address [$CB_SERVER_ADDRESS]
--username <value>
Cloudbreak user name (e-mail address) [$CB_USER_NAME]
--password <value>
Cloudbreak password [$CB_PASSWORD]
--profile <value>
Selects a config profile to use [$CB_PROFILE]
--auth-type <value>
Authentication method to use. Values: oauth2, basic [$CB_AUTH_TYPE]
cb blueprint list [ { "Name": "EDW-Analytics: Apache Hive 2 LLAP, Apache Zeppelin", "Description": "Useful for EDW analytics using Hive LLAP", "HDPVersion": "2.6", "HostgroupCount": "3", "Tags": "DEFAULT" }, { "Name": "Data Science: Apache Spark 2, Apache Zeppelin", "Description": "Useful for data science with Spark and Zeppelin", "HDPVersion": "2.6", "HostgroupCount": "3", "Tags": "DEFAULT" }, { "Name": "EDW-ETL: Apache Hive, Apache Spark 2", "Description": "Useful for ETL data processing with Hive and Spark", "HDPVersion": "2.6", "HostgroupCount": "3", "Tags": "DEFAULT" }, { "Name": "Flow Management: Apache NiFi", "Description": "Useful for data-flow management with Apache NiFi", "HDPVersion": "3.1", "HostgroupCount": "2", "Tags": "DEFAULT" }, { "Name": "my-hdf-test", "Description": "", "HDPVersion": "3.1", "HostgroupCount": "3", "Tags": "USER_MANAGED" } ]
cloud availability-zones
Lists all availability zones available in the specified cloud provider region.
Required options
--credential <value>
Name of the credential
--region <value>
Name of the region
--output <value>
Supported formats: json, yaml, table (default: "json") [$CB_OUT_FORMAT]
--server <value>
Cloudbreak server address [$CB_SERVER_ADDRESS]
--username <value>
Cloudbreak user name (e-mail address) [$CB_USER_NAME]
--password <value>
Cloudbreak password [$CB_PASSWORD]
--profile <value>
Selects a config profile to use [$CB_PROFILE]
--auth-type <value>
Authentication method to use. Values: oauth2, basic [$CB_AUTH_TYPE]
Lists availability zones in the us-west-2 (Oregon) region on the AWS account identified by the credential called "aws-cred":
cb cloud availability-zones --credential aws-cred --region us-west-2 [ { "Name": "us-west-2a" }, { "Name": "us-west-2b" }, { "Name": "us-west-2c" } ]
cloud regions
Lists the available cloud provider regions.
Required options
--credential <value>
Name of the credential
--output <value>
Supported formats: json, yaml, table (default: "json") [$CB_OUT_FORMAT]
--server <value>
Cloudbreak server address [$CB_SERVER_ADDRESS]
--username <value>
Cloudbreak user name (e-mail address) [$CB_USER_NAME]
--password <value>
Cloudbreak password [$CB_PASSWORD]
--profile <value>
Selects a config profile to use [$CB_PROFILE]
--auth-type <value>
Authentication method to use. Values: oauth2, basic [$CB_AUTH_TYPE]
Lists regions available on the AWS account identified by the credential called "aws-cred":
cb cloud regions --credential aws-cred [ { "Name": "ap-northeast-1", "Description": "Asia Pacific (Tokyo)" }, { "Name": "ap-northeast-2", "Description": "Asia Pacific (Seoul)" }, ...
cloud volumes
Lists the available cloud provider volume types.
Lists the available aws volume types
Lists the available azure volume types
Lists the available gcp volume types
Required options
--output <value>
Supported formats: json, yaml, table (default: "json") [$CB_OUT_FORMAT]
--server <value>
Cloudbreak server address [$CB_SERVER_ADDRESS]
--username <value>
Cloudbreak user name (e-mail address) [$CB_USER_NAME]
--password <value>
Cloudbreak password [$CB_PASSWORD]
--profile <value>
Selects a config profile to use [$CB_PROFILE]
--auth-type <value>
Authentication method to use. Values: oauth2, basic [$CB_AUTH_TYPE]
Lists volumes available on AWS:
cb cloud volumes aws [ { "Name": "ephemeral", "Description": "Ephemeral" }, { "Name": "gp2", "Description": "General Purpose (SSD)" }, { "Name": "st1", "Description": "Throughput Optimized HDD" }, { "Name": "standard", "Description": "Magnetic" } ]
cloud instances
Lists the available cloud provider instance types.
Required options
--credential <value>
Name of the credential
--region <value>
Name of the region
--availability-zone <value>
Name of the availability zone
--output <value>
Supported formats: json, yaml, table (default: "json") [$CB_OUT_FORMAT]
--server <value>
Cloudbreak server address [$CB_SERVER_ADDRESS]
--username <value>
Cloudbreak user name (e-mail address) [$CB_USER_NAME]
--password <value>
Cloudbreak password [$CB_PASSWORD]
--profile <value>
Selects a config profile to use [$CB_PROFILE]
--auth-type <value>
Authentication method to use. Values: oauth2, basic [$CB_AUTH_TYPE]
Lists instance types available in the us-west-2 (Oregon) region on the AWS account identified by the credential called "aws-cred":
cb cloud instances --credential aws-cred --region us-west-2 { "Name": "c3.2xlarge", "Cpu": "8", "Memory": "15.0", "AvailabilityZone": "us-west-2b" }, { "Name": "c3.4xlarge", "Cpu": "16", "Memory": "30.0", "AvailabilityZone": "us-west-2b" }, ...
cluster change-ambari-password
Changes Ambari password.
Required options
--name <value>
Cluster name
--old-password <value>
Old Ambari password
--new-password <value>
New Ambari password
--ambari-user <value>
Ambari user
--output <value>
Supported formats: json, yaml, table (default: "json") [$CB_OUT_FORMAT]
--server <value>
Cloudbreak server address [$CB_SERVER_ADDRESS]
--username <value>
Cloudbreak user name (e-mail address) [$CB_USER_NAME]
--password <value>
Cloudbreak password [$CB_PASSWORD]
--profile <value>
Selects a config profile to use [$CB_PROFILE]
--auth-type <value>
Authentication method to use. Values: oauth2, basic [$CB_AUTH_TYPE]
Changes password for Ambari user called "admin" for a cluster called "test1234":
cb cluster change-ambari-password --name test1234 --old-password 123456 --new-password Ambari123456 --ambari-user admin
cluster create
Creates a new cluster based on a JSON template.
Required options
--cli-input-json <value>
User provided file in JSON format
--name <value>
Name for the cluster
--description <value>
Description of resource
--input-json-param-password <value>
Password for the cluster and Ambari
Wait for the operation to finish. No argument is required
--server <value>
Cloudbreak server address [$CB_SERVER_ADDRESS]
--username <value>
Cloudbreak user name (e-mail address) [$CB_USER_NAME]
--password <value>
Cloudbreak password [$CB_PASSWORD]
--profile <value>
Selects a config profile to use [$CB_PROFILE]
--auth-type <value>
Authentication method to use. Values: oauth2, basic [$CB_AUTH_TYPE]
Public in account
Creates a cluster called "testcluster" based on a local JSON file called "mytemplate.json" located in the /Users/test/Documents directory:
cb cluster create --name testcluster --cli-input-json /Users/test/Documents/mytemplate.json
Related links
Obtain Cluster JSON Template from the UI
cluster delete
Deletes an existing cluster.
Required options
--name <value>
Cluster name
Force the operation
Wait for the operation to finish. No argument is required
--server <value>
Cloudbreak server address [$CB_SERVER_ADDRESS]
--username <value>
Cloudbreak user name (e-mail address) [$CB_USER_NAME]
--password <value>
Cloudbreak password [$CB_PASSWORD]
--profile <value>
Selects a config profile to use [$CB_PROFILE]
--auth-type <value>
Authentication method to use. Values: oauth2, basic [$CB_AUTH_TYPE]
cb cluster delete --name test1234
cluster describe
Describes an existing cluster.
Required options
--name <value>
Cluster name
--output <value>
Supported formats: json, yaml, table (default: "json") [$CB_OUT_FORMAT]
--server <value>
Cloudbreak server address [$CB_SERVER_ADDRESS]
--username <value>
Cloudbreak user name (e-mail address) [$CB_USER_NAME]
--password <value>
Cloudbreak password [$CB_PASSWORD]
--profile <value>
Selects a config profile to use [$CB_PROFILE]
--auth-type <value>
Authentication method to use. Values: oauth2, basic [$CB_AUTH_TYPE]
Returns a JSON file describing an existing cluster called "test1234":
./cb cluster describe --name test1234
The command returns JSON output which due to space limitation was not captured in the example.
cluster generate-template
Generates a provider-specific cluster template in JSON format.
aws new-network
Generates an AWS cluster JSON template with new network
aws existing-network
Generates an AWS cluster JSON template with existing network
aws existing-subnet
Generates an AWS cluster JSON template with existing network and subnet
azure new-network
Generates an Azure cluster JSON template with new network
azure existing-subnet
Generates an Azure cluster JSON template with existing network and subnet
gcp new-network
Generates an GCP cluster JSON template with new network
gcp existing-network
Generates an GCP cluster JSON template with existing network
gcp existing-subnet
Generates an GCP cluster JSON template with existing network and subnet
gcp legacy-network
Generates an GCP cluster JSON template with legacy network without subnets
openstack new-network
Generates an OS cluster JSON template with new network
openstack existing-network
Generates an OS cluster JSON template with existing network
openstack existing-subnet
Generates an OS cluster JSON template with existing network and subnet
cb cluster generate-template aws new-network
Related Commands
Related Links
Obtain Cluster JSON Template from the UI
cluster generate-reinstall-template
Generates a cluster template that you can use to reinstall the cluster if installation went fail.
Required options
--blueprint-name <value>
Name of the blueprint
--output <value>
Supported formats: json, yaml, table (default: "json") [$CB_OUT_FORMAT]
--server <value>
Cloudbreak server address [$CB_SERVER_ADDRESS]
--username <value>
Cloudbreak user name (e-mail address) [$CB_USER_NAME]
--password <value>
Cloudbreak password [$CB_PASSWORD]
--profile <value>
Selects a config profile to use [$CB_PROFILE]
--auth-type <value>
Authentication method to use. Values: oauth2, basic [$CB_AUTH_TYPE]
cb cluster generate-reinstall-template --blueprint-name "EDW-ETL: Apache Hive 1.2.1, Apache Spark 2.1"
cluster list
Lists all clusters which are currently associated with the Cloudbreak instance.
Required options
--output <value>
Supported formats: json, yaml, table (default: "json") [$CB_OUT_FORMAT]
--server <value>
Cloudbreak server address [$CB_SERVER_ADDRESS]
--username <value>
Cloudbreak user name (e-mail address) [$CB_USER_NAME]
--password <value>
Cloudbreak password [$CB_PASSWORD]
--profile <value>
Selects a config profile to use [$CB_PROFILE]
--auth-type <value>
Authentication method to use. Values: oauth2, basic [$CB_AUTH_TYPE]
Lists available clusters:
cb cluster list [ { "Name": "test1234", "Description": "", "CloudPlatform": "AZURE", "StackStatus": "UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS", "ClusterStatus": "REQUESTED" } ]
Lists available clusters, with output in a table format:
cb cluster list --output table +----------+-------------+---------------+--------------------+---------------+ | NAME | DESCRIPTION | CLOUDPLATFORM | STACKSTATUS | CLUSTERSTATUS | +----------+-------------+---------------+--------------------+---------------+ | test1234 | | AZURE | UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS | REQUESTED | +----------+-------------+---------------+--------------------+---------------+
cluster repair
Repairs a cluster if cluster installation failed by removing, or removing and replacing failed nodes. You must specify the cluster name and the host group with the failed nodes.
Required options
--name <value>
Cluster name
--host-groups <value>
Comma separated list of host groups where the failed nodes should be repaired
The failed nodes will be removed (rather than "repaired" by removing and replacing)
Wait for the operation to finish. No argument is required
--output <value>
Supported formats: json, yaml, table (default: "json") [$CB_OUT_FORMAT]
--server <value>
Cloudbreak server address [$CB_SERVER_ADDRESS]
--username <value>
Cloudbreak user name (e-mail address) [$CB_USER_NAME]
--password <value>
Cloudbreak password [$CB_PASSWORD]
--profile <value>
Selects a config profile to use [$CB_PROFILE]
--auth-type <value>
Authentication method to use. Values: oauth2, basic [$CB_AUTH_TYPE]
cb cluster repair --name test1234 --host-groups master,worker
cluster retry
Retries the process if cluster or stack provisioning failed.
Required options
--name <value>
Cluster name
Wait for the operation to finish. No argument is required
--output <value>
Supported formats: json, yaml, table (default: "json") [$CB_OUT_FORMAT]
--server <value>
Cloudbreak server address [$CB_SERVER_ADDRESS]
--username <value>
Cloudbreak user name (e-mail address) [$CB_USER_NAME]
--password <value>
Cloudbreak password [$CB_PASSWORD]
--profile <value>
Selects a config profile to use [$CB_PROFILE]
--auth-type <value>
Authentication method to use. Values: oauth2, basic [$CB_AUTH_TYPE]
cb cluster retry --name test1234
cluster scale
Scales a cluster by adding or removing nodes.
Required options
--name <value>
Cluster name
--group-name <value>
Name of the group to scale
--desired-node-count <value>
Desired number of nodes
Wait for the operation to finish. No argument is required
--output <value>
Supported formats: json, yaml, table (default: "json") [$CB_OUT_FORMAT]
--server <value>
Cloudbreak server address [$CB_SERVER_ADDRESS]
--username <value>
Cloudbreak user name (e-mail address) [$CB_USER_NAME]
--password <value>
Cloudbreak password [$CB_PASSWORD]
--profile <value>
Selects a config profile to use [$CB_PROFILE]
--auth-type <value>
Authentication method to use. Values: oauth2, basic [$CB_AUTH_TYPE]
cb cluster scale --name test1234 --group-name worker --desired node-count 3
cluster start
Starts a cluster which has previously been stopped.
Required options
--name <value>
Cluster name
Wait for the operation to finish. No argument is required
--output <value>
Supported formats: json, yaml, table (default: "json") [$CB_OUT_FORMAT]
--server <value>
Cloudbreak server address [$CB_SERVER_ADDRESS]
--username <value>
Cloudbreak user name (e-mail address) [$CB_USER_NAME]
--password <value>
Cloudbreak password [$CB_PASSWORD]
--profile <value>
Selects a config profile to use [$CB_PROFILE]
--auth-type <value>
Authentication method to use. Values: oauth2, basic [$CB_AUTH_TYPE]
cb cluster start --name test1234
cluster stop
Stops a cluster.
Required options
--name <value>
Cluster name
Wait for the operation to finish. No argument is required
--output <value>
Supported formats: json, yaml, table (default: "json") [$CB_OUT_FORMAT]
--server <value>
Cloudbreak server address [$CB_SERVER_ADDRESS]
--username <value>
Cloudbreak user name (e-mail address) [$CB_USER_NAME]
--password <value>
Cloudbreak password [$CB_PASSWORD]
--profile <value>
Selects a config profile to use [$CB_PROFILE]
--auth-type <value>
Authentication method to use. Values: oauth2, basic [$CB_AUTH_TYPE]
cb cluster stop --name test1234
cluster sync
Synchronizes a cluster with the cloud provider.
Required options
--name <value>
Cluster name
--output <value>
Supported formats: json, yaml, table (default: "json") [$CB_OUT_FORMAT]
--server <value>
Cloudbreak server address [$CB_SERVER_ADDRESS]
--username <value>
Cloudbreak user name (e-mail address) [$CB_USER_NAME]
--password <value>
Cloudbreak password [$CB_PASSWORD]
--profile <value>
Selects a config profile to use [$CB_PROFILE]
--auth-type <value>
Authentication method to use. Values: oauth2, basic [$CB_AUTH_TYPE]
cb cluster sync --name test1234
Configures the Cloudbreak server address and credentials used to communicate with this server.
Required options
--server <value>
Server address [$CB_SERVER_ADDRESS]
--username <value>
User name (e-mail address) [$CB_USER_NAME]
--password <value>
Password [$CB_PASSWORD]
--profile <value>
Select a config profile to use [$CB_PROFILE]
--output <value>
Supported formats: json, yaml, table (default: "json") [$CB_OUT_FORMAT]
--auth-type <value>
Authentication method to use. Values: oauth2, basic [$CB_AUTH_TYPE]
This example configures the server address with username and password:
cb configure --server --username --password MySecurePassword123
This example configures the server address with username but without a password:
cb configure --server --username
Related links
credential create
Creates a new Cloudbreak credential.
aws role-based
Creates a new AWS credential
aws key-based
Creates a new AWS credential
azure app-based
Creates a new app-based Azure credential
Creates a new gcp credential
openstack keystone-v2
Creates a new OpenStack credential
openstack keystone-v3
Creates a new OpenStack credential
Required options
aws role-based
--name <value>
Name for the credential
--role-arn <value>
IAM Role ARN of the role used for Cloudbreak credential
aws key-based
--name <value>
Name for the credential
--access-key <value>
AWS Access Key
--secret-key <value>
AWS Secret Key
azure app-based
--name <value>
Name for the credential
--subscription-id <value>
Subscription ID from your Azure Subscriptions
--tenant-id <value>
Directory ID from your Azure Active Directory > Properties
--app-id <value>
Application ID of your app from your Azure Active Directory > App Registrations
--app-password <value>
Your application key from app registration's Settings > Keys
--name <value>
Name for the credential
--project-id <value>
Project ID from your GCP account
--service-account-id <value>
Your GCP Service account ID from IAM & Admin > Service accounts
--service-account-private-key-file <value>
P12 key from your GCP service account
openstack keystone-v2
--name <value>
Name for the credential
--tenant-user <value>
OpenStack user name
--tenant-password <value>
OpenStack password
--tenant-name <value>
OpenStack tenant name
--endpoint <value>
OpenStack endpoint
openstack keystone-v3
--name <value>
Name for the credential
--tenant-user <value>
OpenStack user name
--tenant-password <value>
OpenStack password
--user-domain <value>
OpenStack user domain
--endpoint <value>
OpenStack endpoint
--description <value>
Description of the resource
--server <value>
Cloudbreak server address [$CB_SERVER_ADDRESS]
--username <value>
Cloudbreak user name (e-mail address) [$CB_USER_NAME]
--password <value>
Cloudbreak password [$CB_PASSWORD]
--profile <value>
Selects a config profile to use [$CB_PROFILE]
--auth-type <value>
Authentication method to use. Values: oauth2, basic [$CB_AUTH_TYPE]
Public in account
Additionally, the following option is available for OpenStack Keystone2 and Keystone3:
--facing <value>
API facing. One of: public, admin, internal
Additionally, the following options are available for OpenStack Keystone3:
--project-domain-name <value>
OpenStack project domain name
--project-name <value>
OpenStack project name
--domain-name <value>
OpenStack domain name
--keystone-scope <value>
OpenStack keystone scope. One of: default, domain, project
Creates a role-based credential on AWS:
cb credential create aws role-based --name my-credential1 --role-arn arn:aws:iam::517127065441:role/CredentialRole
Creates a key-based credential on AWS:
cb credential create aws key-based --name my-credential2 --access-key ABDVIRDFV3K4HLJ45SKA --secret-key D89L5pOPM+426Rtj3curKzJEJL3lYoNcP8GvguBV
Creates an app-based credential on Azure:
cb credential create azure app-based --name my-credential3 --subscription-id b8e7379e-568g-55d3-na82-45b8d421e998 --tenant-id c79n5399-3231-65ba-8dgg-2g4e2a40085e --app-id 6d147d89-48d2-5de2-eef8-b89775bbfcg1 --app-password 4a8hBgfI52s/C8R5Sea2YHGnBFrD3fRONfdG8w7F2Ua=
Creates a credential on Google Cloud:
cb credential create gcp --name my-credential4 --project-id test-proj --service-account-id --service-account-private-key-file /Users/test/3fff57a6f68e.p12
Creates a role-based credential on OpenStack with Keystone-v2:
cb credential create openstack keystone-v2 --name my-credential5 --tenant-user test --tenant-password MySecurePass123 --tenant-name test --endpoint
Related links
Create Credential on AWS
Create Credential on Azure
Create Credential on GCP
Create Credential on OpenStack
credential delete
Deletes an existing Cloudbreak credential.
Required options
--name <value>
Credential name
--server <value>
Cloudbreak server address [$CB_SERVER_ADDRESS]
--username <value>
Cloudbreak user name (e-mail address) [$CB_USER_NAME]
--password <value>
Cloudbreak password [$CB_PASSWORD]
--profile <value>
Selects a config profile to use [$CB_PROFILE]
--auth-type <value>
Authentication method to use. Values: oauth2, basic [$CB_AUTH_TYPE]
cb credential delete --name test-cred
credential describe
Describes an existing credential.
Required options
--name <value>
Credential name
--output <value>
Supported formats: json, yaml, table (default: "json") [$CB_OUT_FORMAT]
--server <value>
Cloudbreak server address [$CB_SERVER_ADDRESS]
--username <value>
Cloudbreak user name (e-mail address) [$CB_USER_NAME]
--password <value>
Cloudbreak password [$CB_PASSWORD]
--profile <value>
Selects a config profile to use [$CB_PROFILE]
--auth-type <value>
Authentication method to use. Values: oauth2, basic [$CB_AUTH_TYPE]
cb credential describe --name testcred { "Name": "testcred", "Description": "", "CloudPlatform": "AZURE" }
credential list
Lists existing Cloudbreak credentials.
Required options
--output <value>
Supported formats: json, yaml, table (default: "json") [$CB_OUT_FORMAT]
--server <value>
Cloudbreak server address [$CB_SERVER_ADDRESS]
--username <value>
Cloudbreak user name (e-mail address) [$CB_USER_NAME]
--password <value>
Cloudbreak password [$CB_PASSWORD]
--profile <value>
Selects a config profile to use [$CB_PROFILE]
--auth-type <value>
Authentication method to use. Values: oauth2, basic [$CB_AUTH_TYPE]
Lists credentials:
cb credential list [ { "Name": "testcred", "Description": "", "CloudPlatform": "AZURE" } ]
Lists credentials, with output formatted in a table format:
cb credential list --output table +---------+-------------+---------------+ | NAME | DESCRIPTION | CLOUDPLATFORM | +---------+-------------+---------------+ | armcred | | AZURE | +---------+-------------+---------------+
credential modify
Modifies an existing Cloudbreak credential.
parameter is used to identify the credential that is being modified, and therefore its value cannot be modified.
aws role-based
Modifies an AWS role-based credential
aws key-based
Modifies an AWS key-based credential
azure app-based
Modifies an app-based Azure credential
Modifies a Google Cloud credential
openstack keystone-v2
Modifies an OpenStack v2 credential
openstack keystone-v3
Modifies an OpenStack v3 credential
Required options
aws role-based
--name <value>
Credential name
--role-arn <value>
IAM Role ARN of the role used for Cloudbreak credential
aws key-based
--name <value>
Credential name
--access-key <value>
AWS Access Key
--secret-key <value>
AWS Secret Key
azure app-based
--name <value>
Credential name
--subscription-id <value>
Subscription ID from your Azure Subscriptions
--tenant-id <value>
Directory ID from your Azure Active Directory > Properties
--app-id <value>
Application ID of your app from your Azure Active Directory > App Registrations
--app-password <value>
Your application key from app registration's Settings > Keys
--name <value>
Credential name
--project-id <value>
Project ID from your GCP account
--service-account-id <value>
Your GCP Service account ID from IAM & Admin > Service accounts
--service-account-private-key-file <value>
P12 key from your GCP service account
openstack keystone-v2
--name <value>
Credential name
--tenant-user <value>
OpenStack user name
--tenant-password <value>
OpenStack password
--tenant-name <value>
OpenStack tenant name
--endpoint <value>
OpenStack endpoint
openstack keystone-v3
--name <value>
Credential name
--tenant-user <value>
OpenStack user name
--tenant-password <value>
OpenStack password
--user-domain <value>
OpenStack user domain
--endpoint <value>
OpenStack endpoint
--description <value>
Description of the resource
--server <value>
Cloudbreak server address [$CB_SERVER_ADDRESS]
--username <value>
Cloudbreak user name (e-mail address) [$CB_USER_NAME]
--password <value>
Cloudbreak password [$CB_PASSWORD]
--profile <value>
Selects a config profile to use [$CB_PROFILE]
--auth-type <value>
Authentication method to use. Values: oauth2, basic [$CB_AUTH_TYPE]
Additionally, the following option is available for OpenStack Keystone2 and Keystone3:
--facing <value>
API facing. One of: public, admin, internal
Additionally, the following options are available for OpenStack Keystone3:
--project-domain-name <value>
OpenStack project domain name
--project-name <value>
OpenStack project name
--domain-name <value>
OpenStack domain name
--keystone-scope <value>
OpenStack keystone scope. One of: default, domain, project
Modifies a role-based AWS credential:
cb credential modify aws role-based --name my-credential1 --role-arn arn:aws:iam::517127065441:role/CredentialRole
Modifies a key-based AWS credential:
cb credential modify aws key-based --name my-credential2 --access-key ABDVIRDFV3K4HLJ45SKA --secret-key D89L5pOPM+426Rtj3curKzJEJL3lYoNcP8GvguBV
Modifies an app-based Azure credential:
cb credential modify azure app-based --name my-credential3 --subscription-id b8e7379e-568g-55d3-na82-45b8d421e998 --tenant-id c79n5399-3231-65ba-8dgg-2g4e2a40085e --app-id 6d147d89-48d2-5de2-eef8-b89775bbfcg1 --app-password 4a8hBgfI52s/C8R5Sea2YHGnBFrD3fRONfdG8w7F2Ua=
Modifies a Google Cloud credential:
cb credential modify gcp --name my-credential4 --project-id test-proj --service-account-id --service-account-private-key-file /Users/test/3fff57a6f68e.p12
Modifies a role-based OpenStack credential which uses Keystone-v2:
cb credential modify openstack keystone-v2 --name my-credential5 --tenant-user test --tenant-password MySecurePass123 --tenant-name test --endpoint
database create
Registers an existing external database with Cloudbreak.
Registers a MySQL database configuration
Registers an Oracle 11 database configuration
Registers an Oracle 12 database configuration
Registers a Postgres database configuration
Required options
--name <value>
Name for the database
--db-username <value>
Username for the JDBC connection
--db-password <value>
Password for the JDBC connection
--url <value>
JDBC connection URL in the form of jdbc:db-type://address:port/db
--type <value>
Name if the service that will use the database (AMBARI, DRUID, HIVE, OOZIE, RANGER, SUPERSET, or other custom type)
If using MySQL and Oracle, the --connector-jar-url value <value>
parameter is required in all cases except the following: If you are using a custom image and you already placed the JAR file on the machine, then this parameter is not required.
--description <value>
Description for the database
--server <value>
Cloudbreak server address [$CB_SERVER_ADDRESS]
--username <value>
Cloudbreak user name (e-mail address) [$CB_USER_NAME]
--password <value>
Cloudbreak password [$CB_PASSWORD]
--profile <value>
Selects a config profile to use [$CB_PROFILE]
--auth-type <value>
Authentication method to use. Values: oauth2, basic [$CB_AUTH_TYPE]
Public in account
Registers an existing Postgres database called "test-postgres" with Cloudbreak:
cb database create postgres --name testpostgres --type HIVE --url jdbc:postgresql:// --db-username testuser --db-password MySecurePassword123
The connection URL includes three components db-type://address:port/db:
- Database type "jdbc:postgresql"
- Endpoint ""
- Port "5432"
- Database name "testdb"
Registers an existing MySQL database called "testmysql" with Cloudbreak:
cb database create mysql --name testmysql --type OOZIE --url jdbc:mysql:// --db-username test --db-password test --connector-jar-url http://example-page/driver-file.JAR
database delete
Unregisters a previously registered database with Cloudbreak. It does not delete the database instance.
Required options
--name <value>
Database registration name
--server <value>
Cloudbreak server address [$CB_SERVER_ADDRESS]
--username <value>
Cloudbreak user name (e-mail address) [$CB_USER_NAME]
--password <value>
Cloudbreak password [$CB_PASSWORD]
--profile <value>
Selects a config profile to use [$CB_PROFILE]
--auth-type <value>
Authentication method to use. Values: oauth2, basic [$CB_AUTH_TYPE]
cb database delete --name testdatabase
database list
Lists all available database registrations.
Required options
--output <value>
Supported formats: json, yaml, table (default: "json") [$CB_OUT_FORMAT]
--server <value>
Cloudbreak server address [$CB_SERVER_ADDRESS]
--username <value>
Cloudbreak user name (e-mail address) [$CB_USER_NAME]
--password <value>
Cloudbreak password [$CB_PASSWORD]
--profile <value>
Selects a config profile to use [$CB_PROFILE]
--auth-type <value>
Authentication method to use. Values: oauth2, basic [$CB_AUTH_TYPE]
Lists existing database registrations:
cb database list
Lists existing database registrations, with output presented in a table format:
cb database list --output table
database test
Test database connection.
Tests a stored database configuration identified by its name
Tests database connection parameters
Required options
--name <value>
Database registration name
--db-username <value>
Username to use for the JDBC connection
--db-password <value>
Password to use for the JDBC connection
--url <value>
JDBC connection URL in the form of jdbc:db-type://address:port/db
--type <value>
Type of database (the service name that will use the database
--server <value>
Cloudbreak server address [$CB_SERVER_ADDRESS]
--username <value>
Cloudbreak user name (e-mail address) [$CB_USER_NAME]
--password <value>
Cloudbreak password [$CB_PASSWORD]
--profile <value>
Selects a config profile to use [$CB_PROFILE]
--auth-type <value>
Authentication method to use. Values: oauth2, basic [$CB_AUTH_TYPE]
Tests connection to a previously registered database called "testpostgres":
database test --name testpostgres
Tests connection to a database based on connection parameters provided:
cb database test by-params --type HIVE --url jdbc:postgresql:// --db-username testuser --db-password MySecurePassword123
imagecatalog create
Registers a new custom image catalog based on the URL provided.
Required options
--name <value>
Name for the image catalog
--url <value>
URL location of the image catalog JSON file
--description <value>
Description for the recipe
--server <value>
Cloudbreak server address [$CB_SERVER_ADDRESS]
--username <value>
Cloudbreak user name (e-mail address) [$CB_USER_NAME]
--password <value>
Cloudbreak password [$CB_PASSWORD]
--profile <value>
Selects a config profile to use [$CB_PROFILE]
--auth-type <value>
Authentication method to use. Values: oauth2, basic [$CB_AUTH_TYPE]
Public in account
Registers an image catalog called "mycustomcatalog" which is available at
cb imagecatalog create --name mycustomcatalog --url
Related links
imagecatalog delete
Deletes a previously registered custom image catalog. It does not delete any cloud provider resources that you created as a prerequisite for creating the Cloudbreak credential.
Required options
--name <value>
Image catalog name
--output <value>
Supported formats: json, yaml, table (default: "json") [$CB_OUT_FORMAT]
--server <value>
Cloudbreak server address [$CB_SERVER_ADDRESS]
--username <value>
Cloudbreak user name (e-mail address) [$CB_USER_NAME]
--password <value>
Cloudbreak password [$CB_PASSWORD]
--profile <value>
Selects a config profile to use [$CB_PROFILE]
--auth-type <value>
Authentication method to use. Values: oauth2, basic [$CB_AUTH_TYPE]
Deletes an image catalog called "mycustomcatalog":
cb imagecatalog delete --name mycustomcatalog
Related links
imagecatalog images
Lists images from the specified image catalog available for the specified cloud provider.
Lists available aws images
Lists available azure images
Lists available gcp images
Lists available openstack images
Required options
--imagecatalog <value>
Name of the imagecatalog
--output <value>
Supported formats: json, yaml, table (default: "json") [$CB_OUT_FORMAT]
--server <value>
Cloudbreak server address [$CB_SERVER_ADDRESS]
--username <value>
Cloudbreak user name (e-mail address) [$CB_USER_NAME]
--password <value>
Cloudbreak password [$CB_PASSWORD]
--profile <value>
Selects a config profile to use [$CB_PROFILE]
--auth-type <value>
Authentication method to use. Values: oauth2, basic [$CB_AUTH_TYPE]
Returns date, description, Ambari version, and image ID for all AWS images from an image catalog called "myimagecatalog":
./cb imagecatalog images aws --imagecatalog cloudbreak-default [ { "Date": "2017-10-13", "Description": "Cloudbreak official base image", "Version": "", "ImageID": "44b140a4-bd0b-457d-b174-e988bee3ca47" }, { "Date": "2017-11-16", "Description": "Official Cloudbreak image", "Version": "", "ImageID": "3c7598a4-ebd6-4a02-5638-882f5c7f7add" } ]
Related links
imagecatalog list
Lists default and custom image catalogs registered with Cloudbreak instance.
Required options
--output <value>
Supported formats: json, yaml, table (default: "json") [$CB_OUT_FORMAT]
--server <value>
Cloudbreak server address [$CB_SERVER_ADDRESS]
--username <value>
Cloudbreak user name (e-mail address) [$CB_USER_NAME]
--password <value>
Cloudbreak password [$CB_PASSWORD]
--profile <value>
Selects a config profile to use [$CB_PROFILE]
--auth-type <value>
Authentication method to use. Values: oauth2, basic [$CB_AUTH_TYPE]
Lists existing image catalogs:
cb imagecatalog list [ { "Name": "mycustomcatalog", "Default": false, "URL": "" }, { "Name": "cloudbreak-default", "Default": true, "URL": "" } ]
Related links
imagecatalog set-default
Sets the specified image catalog as default.
Required options
--name <value>
Image catalog name
--output <value>
Supported formats: json, yaml, table (default: "json") [$CB_OUT_FORMAT]
--server <value>
Cloudbreak server address [$CB_SERVER_ADDRESS]
--username <value>
Cloudbreak user name (e-mail address) [$CB_USER_NAME]
--password <value>
Cloudbreak password [$CB_PASSWORD]
--profile <value>
Selects a config profile to use [$CB_PROFILE]
--auth-type <value>
Authentication method to use. Values: oauth2, basic [$CB_AUTH_TYPE]
Sets "mycustomcatalog" as default:
imagecatalog set-default --name mycustomcatalog
Related links
ldap create
Registers an existing LDAP with Cloudbreak.
Required options
--name <value>
Name for the LDAP
--ldap-server <value>
Address of the LDAP server (e.g. ldap://
--ldap-domain <value>
LDAP domain (e.g.
--ldap-bind-dn <value>
LDAP bind DN (e.g. CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=ad,DC=cb,DC=com)
--ldap-bind-password <value>
LDAP bind password
--ldap-directory-type <value>
LDAP directory type (LDAP or ACTIVE_DIRECTORY)
--ldap-user-search-base <value>
LDAP user search base (e.g. CN=Users,DC=ad,DC=cb,DC=com)
--ldap-user-name-attribute <value>
LDAP user name attribute
--ldap-user-object-class <value>
LDAP user object class
--ldap-group-member-attribute <value>
LDAP group member attribute
--ldap-group-name-attribute <value>
LDAP group name attribute
--ldap-group-object-class <value>
LDAP group object class
--ldap-group-search-base <value>
LDAP group search base (e.g. OU=scopes,DC=ad,DC=cb,DC=com)
--ldap-admin-group <value>
LDAP group of administrators
--description <value>
Description for the LDAP
--server <value>
Cloudbreak server address [$CB_SERVER_ADDRESS]
--username <value>
Cloudbreak user name (e-mail address) [$CB_USER_NAME]
--password <value>
Cloudbreak password [$CB_PASSWORD]
--profile <value>
Selects a config profile to use [$CB_PROFILE]
--auth-type <value>
Authentication method to use. Values: oauth2, basic [$CB_AUTH_TYPE]
Public in account
ldap delete
Deletes selected LDAP registration from Cloudbreak. It does not delete the LDAP.
Required options
--name <value>
LDAP name
--output <value>
Supported formats: json, yaml, table (default: "json") [$CB_OUT_FORMAT]
--server <value>
Cloudbreak server address [$CB_SERVER_ADDRESS]
--username <value>
Cloudbreak user name (e-mail address) [$CB_USER_NAME]
--password <value>
Cloudbreak password [$CB_PASSWORD]
--profile <value>
Selects a config profile to use [$CB_PROFILE]
--auth-type <value>
Authentication method to use. Values: oauth2, basic [$CB_AUTH_TYPE]
cb ldap delete --name testldap
ldap list
Lists all available LDAPs.
Required options
--output <value>
Supported formats: json, yaml, table (default: "json") [$CB_OUT_FORMAT]
--server <value>
Cloudbreak server address [$CB_SERVER_ADDRESS]
--username <value>
Cloudbreak user name (e-mail address) [$CB_USER_NAME]
--password <value>
Cloudbreak password [$CB_PASSWORD]
--profile <value>
Selects a config profile to use [$CB_PROFILE]
--auth-type <value>
Authentication method to use. Values: oauth2, basic [$CB_AUTH_TYPE]
Lists existing LDAPs:
cb ldap list
Lists existing LDAPs, with output presented in a table format:
cb ldap list --output table
mpack create
Registers an existing management pack with Cloudbreak.
Required options
--name <value>
Name for the mpack
--url <value>
URL that points to the location of the mpack tarball
Purge existing resources specified in purge-list
--purge-list <value>
Comma-separated list of resources to purge (stack-definitions,service-definitions,mpacks). By default (stack-definitions,mpacks) will be purged
Force install management pack
--description <value>
Description for the LDAP
--server <value>
Cloudbreak server address [$CB_SERVER_ADDRESS]
--username <value>
Cloudbreak user name (e-mail address) [$CB_USER_NAME]
--password <value>
Cloudbreak password [$CB_PASSWORD]
--profile <value>
Selects a config profile to use [$CB_PROFILE]
--auth-type <value>
Authentication method to use. Values: oauth2, basic [$CB_AUTH_TYPE]
Public in account
Registers a new mpack without purging:
cb mpack create --name test-hdp-search --url
mpack delete
Deletes selected management registration from Cloudbreak. It does not delete the management pack.
Required options
--name <value>
Management pack name
--server <value>
Cloudbreak server address [$CB_SERVER_ADDRESS]
--username <value>
Cloudbreak user name (e-mail address) [$CB_USER_NAME]
--password <value>
Cloudbreak password [$CB_PASSWORD]
--profile <value>
Selects a config profile to use [$CB_PROFILE]
--auth-type <value>
Authentication method to use. Values: oauth2, basic [$CB_AUTH_TYPE]
cb mpack delete --name testmpack
mpack list
Lists all available management packs.
Required options
--output <value>
Supported formats: json, yaml, table (default: "json") [$CB_OUT_FORMAT]
--server <value>
Cloudbreak server address [$CB_SERVER_ADDRESS]
--username <value>
Cloudbreak user name (e-mail address) [$CB_USER_NAME]
--password <value>
Cloudbreak password [$CB_PASSWORD]
--profile <value>
Selects a config profile to use [$CB_PROFILE]
--auth-type <value>
Authentication method to use. Values: oauth2, basic [$CB_AUTH_TYPE]
Lists all currently registered management packs and provides information about each:
cb mpack list [ { "Name": "hdp-search-3", "Description": "", "URL": "", "Purge": "false", "PurgeList": "", "Force": "false" } ]
proxy create
Registers an existing proxy with Cloudbreak.
Required options
--name <value>
Name for the proxy
--proxy-host <value>
Hostname or IP address of the proxy
--proxy-port <value>
Port of the proxy
--proxy-protocol <value>
Protocol for the proxy (http or https) (default: "http")
--proxy-user <value>
User for the proxy if basic auth is required
--proxy-password <value>
Password for the proxy if basic auth is required
--description <value>
Description for the proxy
--server <value>
Cloudbreak server address [$CB_SERVER_ADDRESS]
--username <value>
Cloudbreak user name (e-mail address) [$CB_USER_NAME]
--password <value>
Cloudbreak password [$CB_PASSWORD]
--profile <value>
Selects a config profile to use [$CB_PROFILE]
--auth-type <value>
Authentication method to use. Values: oauth2, basic [$CB_AUTH_TYPE]
Public in account
proxy delete
Unregisters a previously registered proxy with Cloudbreak. It does not delete the proxy.
Required options
--name <value>
Proxy registration name
--output <value>
Supported formats: json, yaml, table (default: "json") [$CB_OUT_FORMAT]
--server <value>
Cloudbreak server address [$CB_SERVER_ADDRESS]
--username <value>
Cloudbreak user name (e-mail address) [$CB_USER_NAME]
--password <value>
Cloudbreak password [$CB_PASSWORD]
--profile <value>
Selects a config profile to use [$CB_PROFILE]
--auth-type <value>
Authentication method to use. Values: oauth2, basic [$CB_AUTH_TYPE]
cb proxy delete --name testproxy
proxy list
Lists all proxies that were previously registered with Cloudbreak.
Required options
--output <value>
Supported formats: json, yaml, table (default: "json") [$CB_OUT_FORMAT]
--server <value>
Cloudbreak server address [$CB_SERVER_ADDRESS]
--username <value>
Cloudbreak user name (e-mail address) [$CB_USER_NAME]
--password <value>
Cloudbreak password [$CB_PASSWORD]
--profile <value>
Selects a config profile to use [$CB_PROFILE]
--auth-type <value>
Authentication method to use. Values: oauth2, basic [$CB_AUTH_TYPE]
Lists existing proxy registrations:
cb proxy list
Lists existing proxy registrations, with output presented in a table format:
cb proxy list --output table
recipe create
Adds a new recipe from a file or from a URL.
Creates a recipe by downloading it from a URL location
Creates a recipe by reading it from a local file
Required options
--name <value>
Name for the recipe
--execution-type <value>
Type of execution [pre-ambari-start, pre-termination, post-ambari-start, post-cluster-install]
--url <value>
URL location of the Ambari blueprint JSON file
--name <value>
Name for the recipe
--execution-type <value>
Type of execution [pre-ambari-start, pre-termination, post-ambari-start, post-cluster-install]
--file <value>
Location of the Ambari blueprint JSON file
--description <value>
Description for the recipe
--server <value>
Cloudbreak server address [$CB_SERVER_ADDRESS]
--username <value>
Cloudbreak user name (e-mail address) [$CB_USER_NAME]
--password <value>
Cloudbreak password [$CB_PASSWORD]
--profile <value>
Selects a config profile to use [$CB_PROFILE]
--auth-type <value>
Authentication method to use. Values: oauth2, basic [$CB_AUTH_TYPE]
Public in account
Adds a new recipe called "test1" from a URL:
cb recipe create from-url --name "test1" --execution-type post-ambari-start --url
Adds a new recipe called "test2" from a file:
cb recipe create from-url --name "test2" --execution-type post-ambari-start --file /Users/test/Documents/
Related links
recipe delete
Deletes an existing recipe.
Required options
--name <value>
Recipe name
--output <value>
Supported formats: json, yaml, table (default: "json") [$CB_OUT_FORMAT]
--server <value>
Cloudbreak server address [$CB_SERVER_ADDRESS]
--username <value>
Cloudbreak user name (e-mail address) [$CB_USER_NAME]
--password <value>
Cloudbreak password [$CB_PASSWORD]
--profile <value>
Selects a config profile to use [$CB_PROFILE]
--auth-type <value>
Authentication method to use. Values: oauth2, basic [$CB_AUTH_TYPE]
cb recipe delete --name test
recipe describe
Describes an existing recipe.
Required options
--name <value>
Recipe name
--output <value>
Supported formats: json, yaml, table (default: "json") [$CB_OUT_FORMAT]
--server <value>
Cloudbreak server address [$CB_SERVER_ADDRESS]
--username <value>
Cloudbreak user name (e-mail address) [$CB_USER_NAME]
--password <value>
Cloudbreak password [$CB_PASSWORD]
--profile <value>
Selects a config profile to use [$CB_PROFILE]
--auth-type <value>
Authentication method to use. Values: oauth2, basic [$CB_AUTH_TYPE]
Describes a recipe called "test":
cb recipe describe --name test { "Name": "test", "Description": "", "ExecutionType": "POST" }
Describes a recipe called "test", with output presented in a table format:
cb describe-recipe --name test --output table +------+-------------+----------------+ | NAME | DESCRIPTION | EXECUTION TYPE | +------+-------------+----------------+ | test | | POST | +------+-------------+----------------+
recipe list
Lists all available recipes.
Required options
--output <value>
Supported formats: json, yaml, table (default: "json") [$CB_OUT_FORMAT]
--server <value>
Cloudbreak server address [$CB_SERVER_ADDRESS]
--username <value>
Cloudbreak user name (e-mail address) [$CB_USER_NAME]
--password <value>
Cloudbreak password [$CB_PASSWORD]
--profile <value>
Selects a config profile to use [$CB_PROFILE]
--auth-type <value>
Authentication method to use. Values: oauth2, basic [$CB_AUTH_TYPE]
Lists existing recipes:
cb recipe list [ { "Name": "test", "Description": "", "ExecutionType": "POST" } ]
Lists existing recipes, with output presented in a table format:
cb recipe list --output table +------+-------------+-------------------+ | NAME | DESCRIPTION | EXECUTION TYPE | +------+-------------+-------------------+ | test | | POST-AMBARI-START | +------+-------------+-------------------+
To use debugging mode, pass the --debug
Checking CLI Version
To check CLI version, use cb --version