Advanced Cluster Options
Also available as:

External databases for cluster components

Cloudbreak allows you to register an existing RDBMS instance as an external source to be used for a database for certain services. After you register the RDBMS with Cloudbreak, you can use it for multiple clusters. Refer to this section if you would like to use external databases for cluster components (such as Ambari, Hive, and so on).

The general steps for configuring an external database are:

  1. Review the supported databases and then create the external database prior to registering it with Cloudbreak.
  2. Review the available options to find out which type to use.
  3. Create a template blueprint.
  4. Register an existing database in the Cloudbreak web UI or CLI.

Once registered, the database will now show up in the list of available databases when creating a cluster under advanced External Sources > Configure Authentication. Create a cluster by using the blueprint and by attaching the database.