Hortonworks Docs
Data Platform 3.0.0
Configuring Fault Tolerance
Configuring Fault Tolerance
Also available as:
Configuring Fault Tolerance
High Availability on Non-Ambari Clusters
Configuring High Availability for the Hive Metastore
Use Cases and Failover Scenarios
Software Configuration
Install Hortonworks Data Platform
Update the Hive Metastore
Validate configuration
Deploying Multiple HiveServer2 Instances for High Availability
Adding an Additional HiveServer2 to Your Cluster Manually
Adding an Additional HiveServer2 to a Cluster with Ambari
Configuring HiveServer2 High Availability Using ZooKeeper
How ZooKeeper Manages HiveServer2 Requests
Dynamic Service Discovery Through ZooKeeper
Rolling Upgrade for HiveServer2 Through ZooKeeper
Set Configuration Parameters for HiveServer2 Rolling Upgrade
Perform Rolling Upgrade for HiveServer2
Perform Rollback of HiveServer2
Configuring High Availability for HBase
Introduction to HBase High Availability
Propagating Writes to Region Replicas
Timeline Consistency
Configuring HA Reads for HBase
Creating Highly Available HBase Tables with the HBase Java API
Creating Highly Available HBase Tables with the HBase Shell
Querying Secondary Regions
Monitoring Secondary Region Replicas
HBase Cluster Replication for Geographic Data Distribution
HBase Cluster Replication Overview
HBase Cluster Topologies
Managing and Configuring HBase Cluster Replication
Manually Enable HBase Replication
Pause and Stop HBase Replication
HBase Cluster Management Commands
Verifying Replicated HBase Data
HBase Cluster Replication Details
Spreading Queue Failover Load
Preserving Tags During Replication
HBase Replication Internals
Choosing RegionServers to Replicate to
Keeping Track of Logs
Reading, Filtering, and Sending Edits
Cleaning Logs
RegionServer Failover
HBase Replication Metrics
Replication Configuration Options
Monitoring Replication Status
Setting Up HBase Replication Among Kerberos Secured Clusters
Configuring NameNode High Availability
NameNode Architecture
Preparing the Hardware Resources for NameNode High Availability
Deploying the NameNode HA Cluster
Configuring the NameNode HA Cluster
Deploying a NameNode HA Cluster
Deploying Hue with an HA Cluster
Deploying Oozie with an HA Cluster
Operating a NameNode HA cluster
Configuring and Deploying NameNode Automatic Failover
Prerequisites for Configuring NameNode Automatic Failover
Configure and Deploy Automatic Failover
Configure Oozie Failover
Administrative Commands
Configuring ResourceManager High Availability
Preparing the Hardware Resources
Deploying ResourceManager HA Cluster
Configuring Manual or Automatic ResourceManager Failover
Deploying the ResourceManager HA Cluster
Minimum Settings for Automatic ResourceManager HA Configuration
Testing ResourceManager HA on a Single Node
Deploying Hue with a ResourceManager HA Cluster
Configuring Apache Ranger High Availability
Configuring Ranger Admin HA
Prerequisites for Configuring Apache Ranger for High Availability
Configuring Ranger Admin HA Without SSL
Configuring Ranger Admin HA With SSL
Data Protection
Preventing Accidental Deletion of Files
Backing Up HDFS Metadata
Introduction to HDFS Metadata Files and Directories
Files and Directories
HDFS Commands
Configuration Properties
Back Up HDFS Metadata
Prepare to Back Up the HDFS Metadata
Perform a Backup of the HDFS Metadata
Using HDFS snapshots for data protection
Considerations for working with HDFS snapshots
Enable snapshot creation on a directory
Create snapshots on a directory
Recover data from a snapshot
Options to determine differences between contents of snapshots
Snapshot operations
Back Up HDFS Metadata
You can back up HDFS metadata without taking down either HDFS or the NameNodes.
Prepare to Back Up the HDFS Metadata
Regardless of the solution, a full, up-to-date continuous backup of the namespace is not possible. Some of the most recent data is always lost. HDFS is not an Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) system. Most data can be easily recreated if you re-run Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) or processing jobs.
Perform a Backup of the HDFS Metadata
You can back up HDFS metadata without affecting the availability of NameNode.
Parent topic:
Backing Up HDFS Metadata
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