Known issues
Summary of known issues for this release.
Known issues in this release include:
- MiNiFi Java GetFile processor ignores
Ignore Hidden File
property. - EFM repository usage views do not show data or can be inaccurate.
- Browser back navigation does not work in parts of the EFM web app.
- New MiNiFi Java agents occasionally do not download the current flow for an
agent class when connecting to EFM for the first time.
Workaround: Re-publish the flow for an agent class after new MiNiFi Java agents are added to it. This can be accomplished by making a minute change in the current flow, such as moving a processor on the canvas in the Flow Designer, and then by selecting .
- Duplicate processor names in flow definitions cause publishing to be
acknowledged incorrectly leading to an endless publish loop. This issue only
affects MiNiFi C++ agents with versions 1.22.04 and 1.22.06. Other versions or
the MiNiFi Java agents are not impacted.
Workaround: If the exact versions of MiNiFi C++ agents are needed, the issue can be mitigated by using unique processor names in the flow definitions. If that can not be avoided, please reach out to Cloudera for HOTFIX releases.