Customizing properties in Cloudera Manager
You can customize NiFi and NiFi Registry beyond what the customization page in Cloudera Manager allows. To make any changes, use the dot notation to represent the actual schema for a given property file.
The following steps show how to enhance or overwrite xml based properties in Cloudera Manager using dot notation.
Use the following structure:
xml.<properties-type>.<entity>.<identifier>.class xml.<properties-type>.<entity>.<identifier>.property.<property-value>
- <properties-type> for NiFi can be authorizers and loginIdentityProviders
- <properties-type> for NiFi Registry can be authorizers and identityProviders.
The following property key/value example creates a user group provider entry
into the authorizers file for
Name: xml.authorizers.userGroupProvider.file-user-group-provider.class Value: org.apache.nifi.authorization.FileUserGroupProvider Name: User Identity 2 Value: CN=localhost, OU=NIFI
This translates to the following entry in the generated
file:<authorizers> …... <userGroupProvider> <identifier>file-user-group-provider</identifier> <class>org.apache.nifi.authorization.FileUserGroupProvider</class> <property name="Initial User Identity 2">CN=localhost, OU=NIFI</property> </userGroupProvider> … ... </authorizers>
Properties names that have spaces are supported and do not need to be escaped.