Creating a Compute cluster

Provides the steps to create a Cloudera Private Cloud Base Compute cluster.

You should follow the instructions in the Cloudera Private Cloud Base for complete information about installing Cloudera Manager and a CDP base cluster. At minimum, you should ensure that you perform the following steps.
  • You have prepared your Cloudera Private Cloud Base Base cluster.
  • You have created a Shared Data Context in your Base cluster.
  1. Launch the Add Cluster – Installation wizard.
    From your Base cluster detail page, select Add Compute Cluster from the Actions drop-down.
  2. From the Cluster Basics step, add a cluster name, and select your Shared Data Context from the Data Context drop-down. Click Continue.
  3. From the Specify Hosts step, select the hosts you want to belong to your Compute cluster. Click Continue.
  4. From the Select Repository step, select the Cloudera Flow Management parcel. If the Cloudera Flow Management parcel has not been added yet, select Parcel Repositories & Network Settings and add the Parcel URL
    See Install the Cloudera Flow Management parcel from the repository for more information.
    Click Continue to download, distribute, and activate the Cloudera Flow Management parcels.
  5. From the Inspect Cluster step, run the Inspect Network Performance and Inspect Hosts inspections. Click Continue to select services to install.

When you have finished creating your Compute cluster, proceed by adding the NiFi and NiFi Registry services.