Supported NiFi processors
Cloudera Flow Management is based on Apache NiFi and includes a set of processors, most of which are supported by Cloudera. To ensure optimal performance and reliable support, it is crucial to use only supported processors and avoid deploying unsupported ones in production environments.
Additional processors are developed and tested by the community but are not officially supported by Cloudera. Processors may be excluded for various reasons, including insufficient reliability, incomplete test coverage, community declaration of non-production readiness, or deviations from Cloudera best practices.
By adhering to the above guidelines, you can maintain stable and reliable workflows in your production environments.
AttributesToCSV | GetElasticsearch | PutFile |
AttributesToJSON | GetFile | PutFTP1 |
CalculateParquetOffsets | GetFTP | PutGCSObject |
CalculateParquetRowGroupOffsets | GetGcpVisionAnnotateFilesOperationStatus | PutGoogleDrive |
CalculateRecordStats | GetGcpVisionAnnotateImagesOperationStatus | PutGridFS |
CaptureChangeDebeziumDB2 [Technial Preview] | GetHBase | PutHBaseCell |
CaptureChangeDebeziumMySQL [Technial Preview] | GetHDFS | PutHBaseJSON |
CaptureChangeDebeziumOracle [Technial Preview] | GetHDFSFileInfo | PutHBaseRecord1 |
CaptureChangeDebeziumPostgreSQL [Technial Preview] | GetHDFSSequenceFile | PutHDFS |
CaptureChangeDebeziumSQLServer [Technial Preview] | GetHubSpot | PutHive3QL |
CaptureChangeMySQL | GetJiraIssue | PutHive3Streaming |
ChunkDocument [Technial Preview] | GetMongoRecord | PutIceberg |
CompressContent1, 2 | GetSFTP | PutIcebergCDC [Technial Preview] |
ConnectWebSocket | GetShopify | PutJiraIssue |
ConsumeAMQP | GetSNMP | PutKinesisFirehose |
ConsumeAzureEventHub | GetSnowflakeIngestStatus | PutKinesisStream |
ConsumeElasticsearch | GetSolr | PutKudu |
ConsumeGCPubSub | GetSplunk | PutLambda |
ConsumeGCPubSubLite | GetSQS | PutMongoBulkOperations |
ConsumeJMS | GetWorkdayReport | PutMongoRecord |
ConsumeKafka_2_6 | GetZendesk | PutORC1 |
ConsumeKafka2CDP | HandleHttpRequest | PutParquet |
ConsumeKafka2RecordCDP | HandleHttpResponse | PutPinecone [Technial Preview] |
ConsumeKafkaRecord_2_6 | IdentifyMimeType | PutPLC [Technial Preview] |
ConsumeKinesisStream | InvokeAWSGatewayApi | PutRecord |
ConsumeMQTT1 | InvokeGRPC | PutRedisHashRecord [Technial Preview] |
ConsumePLC [Technial Preview] | InvokeHTTP | PutS3Object |
ConsumeSlack | InvokeScriptedProcessor | PutSalesforceObject |
ConsumeTwitter | JoinEnrichment | PutSFTP |
ConsumeWindowsEventLog | JoltTransformJSON | PutSmbFile |
ControlRate | JoltTransformRecord | PutSnowflakeInternalStage |
ConvertAvroToJSON | JSLTTransformJSON | PutSNS |
ConvertAvroToParquet | JsonQueryElasticsearch | PutSolrContentStream |
ConvertCharacterSet | ListAzureBlobStorage_v12 | PutSolrRecord |
ConvertJSONToSQL | ListAzureDataLakeStorage | PutSplunk |
ConvertProtobuf | ListBoxFile | PutSplunkHTTP |
ConvertRecord | ListCDPObjectStore | PutSQL |
CopyAzureBlobStorage_v12 | ListDatabaseTables | PutSQS1 |
CreateHadoopSequenceFile | ListDropbox | PutSyslog |
CryptographicHashContent | ListenBeats | PutTCP |
DecryptContent | ListenFTP | PutUDP |
DecryptContentAge | ListenGRPC | PutWebSocket |
DecryptContentCompatibility | ListenHTTP | PutZendeskTicket |
DecryptContentPGP | ListenNetFlow | QueryAirtableTable |
DeduplicateRecord | ListenOTLP | QueryCassandra |
DeleteAzureBlobStorage_v12 | ListenRELP | QueryChroma [Technial Preview] |
DeleteAzureDataLakeStorage | ListenSlack | QueryDatabaseTable1 |
DeleteByQueryElasticsearch | ListenSyslog | QueryDatabaseTableRecord |
DeleteCDPObjectStore | ListenTCP | QueryPinecone [Technial Preview] |
DeleteDynamoDB | ListenTCPRecord | QueryRecord |
DeleteGCSObject | ListenTrapSNMP | QuerySalesforceObject |
DeleteGridFS | ListenUDP | QuerySolr |
DeleteHBaseCells | ListenUDPRecord | QuerySplunkIndexingStatus |
DeleteHBaseRow | ListenWebSocket | QueryWhois |
DeleteHDFS | ListFile | RemoveRecordField |
DeleteS3Object | ListFTP | RenameRecordField |
DeleteSQS | ListGCSBucket | ReplaceText |
DetectDuplicate | ListGoogleDrive | ReplaceTextWithMapping |
DistributeLoad | ListHDFS | ResizeImage1 |
DuplicateFlowFile | ListS3 | RetryFlowFile |
EncodeContent | ListSFTP | RouteHL7 |
EncryptContentAge | ListSmb | RouteOnAttribute |
EncryptContentPGP | LogAttribute | RouteOnContent |
EnforceOrder | LogMessage | RouteText |
EvaluateJsonPath | LookupAttribute | SampleRecord |
EvaluateXPath | LookupRecord | ScanAccumulo |
EvaluateXQuery | MergeContent | ScanAttribute1 |
ExecuteGroovyScript | MergeRecord1 | ScanContent |
ExecuteProcess | ModifyCompression | ScanHBase |
ExecuteScript | MonitorActivity | ScriptedFilterRecord |
ExecuteSQL | MoveAzureDataLakeStorage | ScriptedPartitionRecord |
ExecuteSQLRecord | MoveHDFS | ScriptedTransformRecord |
ExecuteStateless1, 2 | Notify | ScriptedValidateRecord |
ExecuteStreamCommand | PackageFlowFile | SearchElasticsearch |
ExtractAvroMetadata | PaginatedJsonQueryElasticsearch | SegmentContent |
ExtractGrok | ParseCEF1 | SelectClouderaHiveQL |
ExtractHL7Attributes | ParseDocument [Technial Preview] | SelectHive3QL1 |
ExtractImageMetadata | ParseEvtx | SendTrapSNMP |
ExtractRecordSchema | ParseSyslog | SetSNMP |
ExtractText | PartitionRecord | SignContentPGP |
FetchAzureBlobStorage_v12 | PromptChatGPT [Technial Preview] | SplitAvro |
FetchAzureDataLakeStorage | PublishAMQP | SplitContent |
FetchBoxFile | PublishGCPubSub1 | SplitJson1 |
FetchCDPObjectStore | PublishGCPubSubLite1 | SplitRecord1 |
FetchDistributedMapCache | PublishJMS1 | SplitText1 |
FetchDropbox | PublishKafka_2_6 | SplitXml |
FetchFile | PublishKafka2CDP | StartAwsPollyJob |
FetchFTP | PublishKafka2RecordCDP | StartAwsTextractJob |
FetchGCSObject | PublishKafkaRecord_2_6 | StartAwsTranscribeJob |
FetchGoogleDrive | PublishMQTT | StartAwsTranslateJob |
FetchGridFS | PublishSlack | StartGcpVisionAnnotateFilesOperation |
FetchHBaseRow | PutAccumuloRecord1 | StartGcpVisionAnnotateImagesOperation |
FetchHDFS | PutAzureBlobStorage_v12 | StartSnowflakeIngest |
FetchParquet | PutAzureCosmosDBRecord | TagS3Object |
FetchPLC [Technial Preview] | PutAzureDataLakeStorage1 | TailFile |
FetchS3Object | PutAzureEventHub | TransformXml |
FetchSFTP | PutAzureQueueStorage_v12 | TriggerClouderaHiveMetaStoreEvent |
FetchSmb | PutBigQuery | TriggerHiveMetaStoreEvent |
FilterAttribute | PutBoxFile | UnpackContent |
FlattenJson | PutCassandraQL1 | UpdateAttribute |
ForkEnrichment | PutCassandraRecord1 | UpdateByQueryElasticsearch |
ForkRecord | PutCDPObjectStore | UpdateClouderaHiveTable |
GenerateFlowFile | PutChroma [Technial Preview] | UpdateCounter |
GenerateRecord | PutClouderaHiveQL | UpdateDatabaseTable |
GenerateTableFetch | PutClouderaHiveStreaming | UpdateDeltaLakeTable [Technial Preview] |
GeoEnrichIP | PutClouderaORC | UpdateHive3Table |
GeoEnrichIPRecord | PutCloudWatchMetric | UpdateRecord |
GeohashRecord | PutCouchbaseKey | ValidateCsv |
GetAsanaObject | PutDatabaseRecord1 | ValidateJson |
GetAwsPollyJobStatus | PutDistributedMapCache | ValidateRecord |
GetAwsTextractJobStatus | PutDropbox | ValidateXml |
GetAwsTranscribeJobStatus | PutDynamoDB | VerifyContentMAC |
GetAwsTranslateJobStatus | PutDynamoDBRecord | VerifyContentPGP |
GetAzureEventHub | PutElasticsearchJson | Wait |
GetAzureQueueStorage_v12 | PutElasticsearchRecord1 | YandexTranslate |
GetCouchbaseKey1 | PutEmail |
- 1 – indicates a memory intensive processor
- 2 – indicates a CPU intensive processor