In View mode, CDP Data Visualization dashboards are dynamic and responsive. This is
achieved primarily through the active interaction among filters and visuals, and as a result of
having dashboard controls.
View mode
If you open a dashboard in View mode, you can access the following in the dashboard
preview area:
Dashboard controls (for more information see the next section)
Filters (if you added filters to your dashboard)
Dashboard controls
CDP Data Visualization offers a set of Dashboard Controls in
View mode. For some of these widgets, keyboard shortcuts are also available.
Current Parameters shows the current values of dashboard-level
Previous Parameters ((left arrow) icon)
navigates between a series of filter settings by going back in history one step. It
moves the dashboard to the previous state, by resetting the filter values. The keyboard
shortcut is Ctrl + B.
Next Parameters ((right arrow) icon)
navigates between a series of filter settings by going forward in history one step. It
advances the dashboard to the next state (if one exists), by forwarding to a previously
selected set of filter values. The keyboard shortcut is Ctrl + F.
Reset Parameters ((refresh) icon)
resets the dashboard to the the initial state with the original filter values. To change
these initial values, you must edit the dashboard and save the changes. The keyboard
shortcut is Ctrl + F.
Link to Page is an option that shows the full URL address of
the dashboard so you can copy, save, and share it.