Running Cloudera Director Client

After you modify the configuration file, you can run Cloudera Director client. There are two ways of running the Cloudera Director client:
  • In standalone mode, using the bootstrap command. Clusters created using the bootstrap command cannot be managed using the Cloudera Director UI. The information below on this page concerns running the client in standalone mode.
  • If you already have a server, you can run the client against the server using the commands bootstrap-remote and terminate-remote. Only clusters created with the bootstrap-remote command can be managed using the Cloudera Director UI. For more information on using the client to deploy clusters on the server, see Submitting a Cluster Configuration File.
  1. From the cluster launcher, enter the following:
    [ec2-user@ip-10-1-1-18]$ cloudera-director bootstrap cluster.conf
    Cloudera Director displays output similar to the following:
    Installing Cloudera Manager ...
    * Starting ... done
    * Requesting an instance for Cloudera Manager .................. done
    * Inspecting capabilities of .............. done
    * Normalizing ................... done
    * Installing python (1/4) .... done
    * Installing ntp (2/4) .... done
    * Installing curl (3/4) .... done
    * Installing wget (4/4) ................ done
    * Installing repositories for Cloudera Manager ............... done
    * Installing jdk (1/5) ..... done
    * Installing cloudera-manager-daemons (2/5) ..... done
    * Installing cloudera-manager-server (3/5) ..... done
    * Installing cloudera-manager-server-db-2 (4/5) ..... done
    * Installing cloudera-manager-agent (5/5) .... done
    * Starting embedded PostgreSQL database ..... done
    * Starting Cloudera Manager server ...... done
    * Waiting for Cloudera Manager server to start .... done
    * Configuring Cloudera Manager ..... done
    * Starting Cloudera Management Services ...... done
    * Inspecting capabilities of ......... done
    * Done ...
    Cloudera Manager ready.
    Creating cluster C5-Sandbox-AWS ...
    * Starting ... done
    * Requesting 3 instance(s) .......... done
    * Inspecting capabilities of new instance(s) ....... done
    * Running basic normalization scripts ......... done
    * Registering instance(s) with Cloudera Manager .... done
    * Waiting for Cloudera Manager to deploy agents on instances ... done
    * Creating CDH5 cluster using the new nodes ...... done
    * Downloading CDH-5.4.0-1.cdh5.4.0.p0.26 parcel ..... done
    * Distributing CDH-5.4.0-1.cdh5.4.0.p0.26 parcel ... done
    * Activating CDH-5.4.0-1.cdh5.4.0.p0.26 parcel ...... done
    * Done ...
    Cluster ready.              
  2. To monitor Cloudera Director, log in to the cluster launcher and view the application log:
     $ ssh ec2-user@
    Last login: Tue Mar 18 20:33:38 2014 from
    [ec2-user@ip-10-1-1-18]$ tail -f ~/.cloudera-director/logs/application.log