Installing Cloudera Director Server and Client on Google Compute Engine

Cloudera recommends that you install Cloudera Director server on your cloud provider in the subnet where you will create CDH clusters, because Cloudera Director must have access to the private IP addresses of the instances that it creates. To install Cloudera Director server, perform the following tasks.

RHEL 6 and CentOS 6

  1. In the Compute Engine > VM instances screen, click the SSH link next to your instance name.

    This opens a new window.

  2. Install a supported version of the Oracle Java Development Kit (JDK) on the Cloudera Director host. Currently, Cloudera Director supports JDK versions 7 and 8. For installation information, see Java SE Downloads.
  3. Download Cloudera Director by running the following commands:
    cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
    sudo wget ""
  4. Install Cloudera Director server by running the following command:
    sudo yum install cloudera-director-server cloudera-director-client
  5. Start the Cloudera Director server by running the following command:
    sudo service cloudera-director-server start
  6. Save the existing iptables rule set and disable the firewall:
    sudo service iptables save
    sudo chkconfig iptables off
    sudo service iptables stop

You are now ready to deploy Cloudera Manager and CDH on the Cloudera Director server.

RHEL 7 and CentOS 7

  1. In the Compute Engine > VM instances screen, click the SSH link next to your instance name.

    This opens a new window.

  2. Install a supported version of the Oracle Java Development Kit (JDK) on the Cloudera Director host. Currently, Cloudera Director supports JDK versions 7 and 8. For installation information, see Java SE Downloads.
  3. Download Cloudera Director by running the following commands:
    cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
    sudo wget ""
  4. Install Cloudera Director server by running the following command:
    sudo yum install cloudera-director-server
  5. Start the Cloudera Director server by running the following command:
    sudo service cloudera-director-server start
  6. Disable and stop the firewall with the following commands:
    sudo systemctl disable firewalld
    sudo systemctl stop firewalld

You are now ready to deploy Cloudera Manager and CDH on the Cloudera Director server.


  1. In the Compute Engine > VM instances screen, click the SSH link next to your instance name.

    This opens a new window.

  2. Install a supported version of the Oracle Java Development Kit (JDK) on the Cloudera Director host. Currently, Cloudera Director supports JDK versions 7 and 8. For installation information, see Java SE Downloads.
  3. Download Cloudera Director by running the following commands:
    cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
    sudo wget ""
  4. Add the signing key by running the following command:
    curl -s "" | sudo apt-key add -
  5. Install Cloudera Director server by running the following command:
    apt-get update
    apt-get install cloudera-director-server
    apt-get install oracle-j2sdk1.7
  6. Start the Cloudera Director server by running the following command:
    sudo service cloudera-director-server start
  7. Save the existing firewall rules and disable the firewall:
    iptables-save > ~/firewall.rules
    sudo service ufw stop

You are now ready to deploy Cloudera Manager and CDH on the Cloudera Director server.