Release Notes

2.5.0 TP

Cloudbreak 2.5.0 is a technical preview release.

New Features

Creating HDF Clusters

You can use Cloudbreak to create HDF clusters from base images on AWS, Azure, Google Cloud and OpenStack. In the Cloudbreak web UI, you can do this by selecting "HDF 3.1" under Platform Version and then selecting an HDF blueprint.

Cloudbreak includes one default HDF blueprint "Flow Management: Apache NiFi" and supports uploading your own custom HDF 3.1.1 NiFi blueprints.

Note the following when creating NiFi clusters:

For updated create cluster instructions, refer to Creating a Cluster instructions for your chosen cloud provider. For updated blueprint information, refer to Default Blueprints.

For a tutorial on creating a NiFi cluster with Cloudbreak, refer to the following HCC post.

Using External Databases for Cluster Services

You can register an existing external RDBMS in the Cloudbreak UI or CLI so that it can be used for those cluster components which have support for it. After the RDBMS has been registered with Cloudbreak, it will be available during the cluster create and can be reused with multiple clusters.

Only Postgres is supported at this time. Refer to component-specific documentation for information on which version of Postgres (if any) is supported.

For more information, refer to Register an External Database.

Using External Authentication Sources (LDAP/AD) for Clusters

You can configure an existing LDAP/AD authentication source in the Cloudbreak UI or CLI so that it can later be associated with one or more Cloudbreak-managed clusters. After the authentication source has been registered with Cloudbreak, it will be available during the cluster create and can be reused with multiple clusters.

For more information, refer to Register an Authentication Source.

Modifying Existing Cloudbreak Credentials

Cloudbreak allows you to modify existing credentials by using the edit option available in Cloudbreak UI or by using the credential modify command in the CLI. For more information, refer to Modify an Existing Credential.

Configuring Cloudbreak to Use Existing LDAP/AD

You can configure Cloudbreak to use your existing LDAP/AD so that you can authenticate Cloudbreak users against an existing LDAP/AD server. For more information, refer to Configuring Cloudbreak for LDAP/AD Authentication.

Launching Cloudbreak in Environments with Restricted Internet Access or Required Use of Proxy

You can launch Cloudbreak in environments with limited or restricted internet access and/or required use of a proxy to obtain internet access. For more information, refer to Configure Outbound Internet Access and Proxy.

Behavioral Changes

Auto-import of HDP/HDF Images on OpenStack

When using Cloudbreak on OpenStack, you no longer need to import HDP and HDF images manually, because during your first attempt to create a cluster, Cloudbreak automatically imports HDP and HDF images to your OpenStack. Only Cloudbreak image must be imported manually.

Image Catalog Updates

April 5, 2018

Update 1:

Default Ambari version
Default HDP version
Default HDF version

February 23, 2018

Default Ambari version
Default HDP version
Default HDF version

Fixed Issues

Issue Issue Description
BUG-99168 All clusters created on Google Cloud Platform fail.
BUG-99400 Time-based cluster autoscaling does not work.
BUG-99505 Sync is not working for an AWS instance that was terminated a long time ago.
BUG-98277 Network interface handling in CloudBreak should be improved.
BUG-97395 Networks are duplicated on networks tab of the cluster create wizard.
BUG-97259 "Update failed" status after downscale failed, even though cluster was not modified and its status should be "Running".
BUG-97207 Changing lifecycle management on YARN causes NPE.
BUG-99189 ImageCatalog PUT endpoint is not secured.
BUG-97895 LDAP password should be removed from Cloudbreak logs.
BUG-97300 Cloudbreak should show proper error messages when the given credential is not valid anymore.
BUG-97296 GCP credential creation should validate whether resources are available with the credential.
BUG-97660 Ignore repository warnings checkbox are missing after changing base image Ambari or HDP to a custom one.
BUG-97307 Ignore repository warnings checkbox is not selectable after change the HDP VDF URL.
BUG-96764 "Failed to remove instance" error when using the delete icon.
BUG-97390 Cloudbreak should support longer resource ID-s on AWS.
BUG-99512 Azure ES_v3 instances should support premium storage.
BUG-97206 Backend should return only images for enabled platforms.

Known Issues

Known Issues: Cloudbreak

(BUG-96788) Azure Availability Set Option Is Not Available for Instance Count of 1

When creating a cluster, the Azure availability set feature is not available for host groups with the instance count of 1.


This issue will be fixed in a future release.

If you would like to use the Azure availability sets feature now, you must add at least 2 instances to the host group for which you want to use them. The option Azure availability sets is available on the advanced Hardware and Storage page of the create cluster wizard.

(BUG-92605) Cluster Creation Fails with ResourceInError

Cluster creation fails with the following error:

Infrastructure creation failed. Reason: Failed to create the stack for CloudContext{id=3689, name='test-exisitngnetwork', platform='StringType{value='OPENSTACK'}', owner='e0307f96-bd7d-4641-8c8f-b95f2667d9c6'} due to: Resource CREATE failed: ResourceInError: resources.ambari_volume_master_0_0: Went to status error due to "Unknown"


This may mean that the volumes that you requested exceed volumes available on your cloud provider account. When creating a cluster, on the advanced Hardware and Storage page of the create cluster wizard, try reducing the amount of requested storage. If you need more storage, try using a different region or ask your cloud provider admin to increase the resource quota for volumes.

(BUG-93241) Error When Scaling Multiple Host Groups

Scaling of multiple host groups fails with the following error:

Batch update returned unexpected row count from update [0]; actual row count: 0; expected: 1; nested exception is org.hibernate.StaleStateException: Batch update returned unexpected row count from update [0]; actual row count: 0; expected: 1


Scaling multiple host groups at once is not supported. If you would like to scale multiple host groups: scale the first host group and wait until scaling has completed, then scale the second host group, and so on.

(BUG-97044) Show CLI Command Copy JSON Button Does Not Work

When using the Show CLI Command > Copy the JSON or Copy the Command button with Firefox, the content does not does not get copied if adblock plugin or other advertise blocker plugins are present.


Use a browser without an adblock plugin.

(BUG-93257) Clusters Are Missing From History

After changing the dates on the History page multiple times, the results displayed may sometimes be incorrect.


Refresh the page if you think that the history displayed may be incorrect.

Known Issues: Ambari and HDP

The known issues described here were discovered when testing Cloudbreak with Ambari and HDP, which are used by default in Cloudbreak.

For general Ambari and HDP known issues, refer to:
Ambari Release Notes
HDP Release Notes

(BUG-96707) Druid Overload Does Not Start

Druid overload start fails with the following error when using Ambari and HDP

ERROR [main] io.druid.cli.CliOverlord - Error when starting up. Failing. Unable to provision

(BUG-97080) Ambari Fils In Some Cases When an mpack is Installed

If we set the following properties then cluster install may fail (in 20-30% of the cases), because of the Ambari agent cache being updated concurrently:


(AMBARI-14149) Ambari Cluster Cannot Be Started After Stop

When using Ambari version, after stopping and starting a cluster, Event History shows the following error:

Ambari cluster could not be started. Reason: Failed to start Hadoop services.
2/7/2018, 12:47:05 PM
Starting Ambari services.
2/7/2018, 12:47:04 PM
Manual recovery is needed for the following failed nodes:   
[host-10-0-0-4.openstacklocal, host-10-0-0-3.openstacklocal, host-10-0-0-5.openstacklocal

Ambari dashboard shows that nodes are not sending heartbeats.


This issue is fixed in Ambari version and newer.

Known Issues: HDF 3.1.1

The known issues described here were discovered when testing Cloudbreak with Ambari and HDF 3.1.1, which are used by default in Cloudbreak.

For general HDF 3.1.1 known issues, refer to HDF 3.1.1 Release Notes

(BUG-98865) Scaling HDF Clusters Does Not Update Configurations on New Nodes

Blueprint configuration parameters are not applied when scaling an HDF cluster. One example that affects all users is that after HDF cluster upscale/downscale the blueprint parameter does not get updated to include the new nodes, and as a result the NiFi UI is not reachable from these nodes.


Configuration parameters set in the blueprint are not applied when scaling an HDF cluster. One example that affects all NiFi users is that after HDF cluster upscale the parameter does not get updated to include the new hosts, and as a result the NiFi UI is not reachable from these hosts.