Behavioral changes

Learn about behavioral changes in Cloudera Flow Management

Secure communication between NiFi and ZooKeeper configured by default

If both ZooKeeper and NiFi services are secured, NiFi communication with ZooKeeper will be automatically configured as secured (TLS) using a new port, 2182. If you enforce TCP communication through a firewall and explicitly allow certain ports, you need to open them for port 2182.

If you do not want to use secure communication between ZooKeeper and NiFi, follow these steps to configure unsecured communication on port 2181:

  1. Update the ZooKeeper connection string:

    1. In Cloudera Manager, navigate to NiFi > Configuration.
    2. Set nifi.zookeeper.connect.string by replacing ${ZK_QUORUM} with the unsecure ZK QUORUM string, which has port 2181.
    To find your ZooKeeper quorum string from a NiFi node, run the following command as root:
    NIFI_PROC=$(ls -td /var/run/cloudera-scm-agent/process/NIFI/ | head -1); grep "Connect String" $NIFI_PROC/state-management.xml | cut -d\> -f2 | cut -d\< -f1; unset NIFI_PROC
    This command will provide your connect string. For example:
  2. Add a safety valve for staging/state-management.xml in Cloudera Manager with the following property:

    • Name: String
  3. After upgrading to version 2.1.7, uncheck the option in Cloudera Manager.

ScriptedTransformRecord processor requires proper schema name attribute for record writer

NIFI-11523 introduced a fix that ensures the ScriptedTransformRecord processor uses the correct schema defined for the record writer. Previously, if the schema name attribute was set in the writer but not in the flow, it was ignored, defaulting to the reader schema. This behavior has been corrected, which may cause the processor to fail after upgrading if the schema name attribute is not set in the flow.

The failure is typically logged as:
org.apache.nifi.schema.access.SchemaNotFoundexception: ${} did not provide appropriate Schema Name

To prevent failures, ensure that the schema name attribute is properly configured in the flow or match it to the schema defined for the record reader for identical behavior.