Job LifecyclePDF version

Stopping, restarting and editing SQL jobs

As a SQL Stream job processes streaming data, you need to stop the job to finish the process. You can restart a SQL Stream job after stopping it. In case you need to update or change the configurations that you have set for a SQL Stream job, you can restart it. You can navigate through the job life cycle using the Streaming SQL Console.

You can stop a running job either on the Compose or the SQL Jobs page.
Stopping job from Compose page
  1. Select Console from the main menu.

    By default, you are on the Compose page when selecting Console from the main menu.

  2. Click Stop under the SQL window.
Stopping job from SQL Jobs page
  1. Click Console on the main menu.
  2. Select SQL Jobs tab.
    By default, Running Jobs are displayed on the SQL Jobs page.
  3. Click on the job you want to stop.
    1. You can further filter down the results, by directly searching for the job name in the Search field.
  4. Click Stop under Actions.

You can restart a running SQL job using the Restart button under the SQL window.

In case the job is running in the background, you can load it with its properties from the SQL Jobs tab.
Restarting job from SQL Jobs page
  1. Click Console on the main menu.
  2. Select SQL Jobs tab.
    By default, Running Jobs are displayed on the SQL Jobs page.
  3. Click on the job you want to restart.
    1. You can further filter down the results, by directly searching for the job name in the Search field.
  4. Click Edit Selected Job under the Details tab.

    The SQL job and its configuration is loaded in the SQL window on the Compose page.

  5. Click Restart.
You can restart a SQL job that was previously stopped by locating it in the SQL Jobs page.
  1. Click Console on the main menu.
  2. Select SQL Jobs tab.
    By default, Running Jobs are displayed on the SQL Jobs page.
  3. Select Stopped Jobs from the drop-down menu.
  4. Click on the job you want to restart.
    1. You can further filter down the job list by searching for the job name, or locate a specific job ID by prefixing your search with id.
  5. Click Edit Selected Job under the Details tab.

    The SQL job and its configuration is loaded in the SQL window on the Compose page.

  6. Click on Execute.
Before editing, you must stop the running SQL job. After modifying the properties of the job, you need to execute them again to apply the changes.
  1. Click Console on the main menu.
  2. Select SQL Jobs tab.

    By default, Running Jobs are displayed on the SQL Jobs page.

  3. Select Stopped Jobs from the drop-down menu.
  4. Click on the job you want to restart.
    1. You can further filter down the results, by directly searching for the job name in the Search field.
  5. Click Edit Selected Job under the Details tab.

    The SQL job and its configuration is loaded in the SQL window on the Compose page.

  6. Edit any configuration of the selected SQL job.

    You need to click on Advanced Settings to display more configuration of the SQL job.

  7. Click on Execute.

You can delete a stopped SQL job from SQL Stream Builder on the SQL Jobs tab. By deleting the SQL job, you remove them from the list of stopped jobs.

  1. Click Console on the main menu.
  2. Select SQL Jobs tab.

    By default, Running Jobs are displayed on the SQL Jobs page.

  3. Select Stopped Jobs from the drop-down menu.

    The list of stopped jobs is diplayed on the SQL Jobs page.

  4. Click on Delete under Actions.