Streaming SQL ConsolePDF version

Using the Streaming SQL Console

The Streaming SQL Console is the user interface for the SQL Stream Builder. You can manage your queries, tables, functions and monitor the history of the SQL jobs using the SQL Stream Console.

  1. Go to your cluster in Cloudera Manager.
  2. Select SQL Stream Builder from the list of services.
  3. Click SQLStreamBuilder Console.

    The Streaming SQL Console opens in a new window.

The following illustration details the main menu and the tabs of the user interface.

1. Main Menu
The Main Menu consist of the following pages:
  • Console - The homepage of the Console where you can find the SQL window, the main tabs and audit tabs.
  • Data Providers - The main page of Data Providers where you can add and manage the data providers and catalogs.
  • Materialized Views - The main page of Materialized Views where you can review and manage the created Materialized View endpoints and API keys.
2. Profile Menu
The Profile Menu consist of the following pages:
  • Profile - The main page of the user profile where you can create new password.
  • Teams - The main page of the Teams where you can create and manage your teams, invite other members to your teams.
Logout - You can use the Logout button from the Profile Menu to log out of the Streaming SQL Console.