Accessing CDE using the CLIPDF version

Configuring the CLI client

The CDE CLI client uses a configuration file, ~/.cde/config.yaml, to define the default CDE virtual cluster to interact with, as well as other configuration parameters.

Make sure that you have downloaded the CDE CLI client.

  1. Determine the virtual cluster endpoint URL.
    1. Navigate to the Cloudera Data Engineering Overview page.
    2. In the Environments column, select the environment containing the virtual cluster you want to access using the CLI.
    3. In the Virtual Clusters column on the right, click the Cluster Details icon for the virtual cluster you want to access.
    4. Click JOBS API URL to copy the URL to your clipboard.
  2. On the host with the CLI client, create or edit the configuration file at ~/.cde/config.yaml. You can create multiple profiles in the ~/.cde/config.yaml file and can be used while running commands. For more information, see Creating and using multiple profiles.
  3. In the configuration file, specify the CDP user and virtual cluster endpoint as follows:
    user: <CDP_user>
    vcluster-endpoint: <CDE_virtual_cluster_endpoint>
    The CDP user is your workload username.
  4. Save the configuration file.
  5. If you have not done so already, make sure that the cde file is executable by running chmod +x /path/to/cde.
  6. Run cde job list to verify your configuration. Enter your workload password when prompted.
See CDE CLI configuration options for other configuration options.

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