Creating and managing CDE jobsPDF version

Managing jobs in Cloudera Data Engineering

It is often necessary to modify your Cloudera Data Engineering (CDE) jobs. CDE makes it easy to modify most aspects of your jobs, including replacing the application code and any supplemental files, as well as modifying configuration parameters and the schedule.

  1. In the Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) console, click the Data Engineering tile. The CDE Home page displays.
  2. Click Job Runs on the left navigation menu.
  3. Using the dropdown menu, select the virtual cluster containing the application you want to manage.
  4. Click othe job that you want to modify.
  5. The Run History tab lists the recent job executions for the application. Click the Configuration tab to display the job configuration.
  6. Click Edit to change the application configuration.
  7. Edit the configuration parameters you want to change, including uploading a modified JAR or Python file if necessary.
  8. Click Update and Run to update and run the job or click the drowpdown and select Update to change configurations.