Monitoring and Troubleshooting CDEPDF version

Accessing Grafana dashboards

Cloudera provides pre-built Grafana dashboards comprising metrics data, charts, and other visuals. You can access pre-built Grafana dashboards to monitor your jobs and virtual clusters in Cloudera Data Engineering (CDE). You can immediately view the Kubernetes and Virtual Cluster Metrics pre-built dashboards in CDE.

You must first connect to the Grafana dashboards in CDE Private Cloud to view the Kubernetes and Virtual Cluster Metrics dashboards.
  1. After you connect to the Grafana Dashboards from the CDE UI, click the icon to view the left navigation pane.
  2. Click Dashboards > Browse. The Dashboards screen is displayed.
  3. In the Browse tab of Dashboards, click Kubernetes or Virtual Cluster Metrics to view the respective dashboard.