Creating a custom Airflow Python environment resource
Create the custom Airflow Python environment resource. You can specify the pip repositories if required.
Create a custom Airflow Python environment resource.
cde resource create --name $RESOURCE_NAME --type airflow-python-env
For example:
cde resource create --name airflow-1 --type airflow-python-env
- [Optional] You can specify the custom pip repository using the --pip-repository-url <custom-pip-repository-url> --pip-repository-cert <path-to-pem-file> option in the create resource command.
- [Optional] You can specify one or more extra custom pip repositories using the --extra-pip-repository-<number>-url --<custom-pip-repository-url>-<number>-cert <path-to-pem-file> option in the create resource command. You can specify up to 10 extra pip repositories.
Example of command with pip repository and extra pip
cde resource create --name airflow-custom-pip-repos --type airflow-python-env --pip-repository-url --pip-repository-cert cert.pem --extra-pip-repository-1-url --extra-pip-repository-1-cert extra-cert.pem
CDE builds the environment according to the requirements.txt file. During this build time, you cannot run a job associated with the environment. You can check the status of the environment by running the cde resource list-events --name $RESOURCE_NAME command.