Enabling Kerberos Authentication for Search
Cloudera Search supports Kerberos authentication. All necessary packages are installed when you install Search. To enable Kerberos, create principals and keytabs and then modify default configurations.
The following instructions only apply to configuring Kerberos in an unmanaged environment. Kerberos configuration is automatically handled by Cloudera Manager if you are using Search in a Cloudera Manager environment.
To create principals and keytabs
Repeat this process on all Solr server hosts.
- Create a Solr service user principal using the syntax: solr/<fully.qualified.domain.name>@<YOUR-REALM>. This principal is used to authenticate with the Hadoop cluster. where: fully.qualified.domain.name is the host where the Solr server is running YOUR-REALM is the name of your Kerberos realm.
$ kadmin kadmin: addprinc -randkey solr/fully.qualified.domain.name@YOUR-REALM.COM
- Create a HTTP service user principal using the syntax: HTTP/<fully.qualified.domain.name>@<YOUR-REALM>. This principal is used to authenticate user requests coming to the Solr web-services. where: fully.qualified.domain.name is the host where the Solr server is running YOUR-REALM is the name of your Kerberos realm.
kadmin: addprinc -randkey HTTP/fully.qualified.domain.name@YOUR-REALM.COM
- Create keytab files with both principals.
kadmin: xst -norandkey -k solr.keytab solr/fully.qualified.domain.name \ HTTP/fully.qualified.domain.name
- Test that credentials in the merged keytab file work. For example:
$ klist -e -k -t solr.keytab
- Copy the solr.keytab file to the Solr configuration directory. The owner of the solr.keytab file should be the solr user and the file should have owner-only read permissions.
To modify default configurations
Repeat this process on all Solr server hosts.
- Ensure that the following properties appear in /etc/default/solr or /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH-*/etc/default/solr and that they are uncommented. Modify these properties to match your environment. The relevant properties to be uncommented and
modified are:
- Set hadoop.security.auth_to_local to match the value specified by SOLR_AUTHENTICATION_KERBEROS_NAME_RULES in /etc/default/solr or /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH-*/etc/default/solr.
- If using applications that use the solrj library, set up the Java Authentication and
Authorization Service (JAAS).
- Create a jaas.conf file in the Solr configuration directory containing the following
settings. This file and its location must match the SOLR_AUTHENTICATION_JAAS_CONF value. Make sure that you substitute a value for principal that matches your particular environment.
Client { com.sun.security.auth.module.Krb5LoginModule required useKeyTab=true useTicketCache=false keyTab="/etc/solr/conf/solr.keytab" principal="solr/fully.qualified.domain.name@<YOUR-REALM>"; };
- Create a jaas.conf file in the Solr configuration directory containing the following
settings. This file and its location must match the SOLR_AUTHENTICATION_JAAS_CONF value. Make sure that you substitute a value for principal that matches your particular environment.