Running Commands and SQL Statements in impala-shell

For information on available commands, see impala-shell Command Reference. You can see the full set of available commands by pressing TAB twice, for example:

[impalad-host:21000] >
connect   describe  explain   help      history   insert    quit      refresh   select    set       shell     show      use       version
[impalad-host:21000] >

For example:

[localhost:21000] > select *
                  > from t1
                  > limit 5;
| s1      | s2        |
| hello   | world     |
| goodbye | cleveland |

A comment is considered part of the statement it precedes, so when you enter a -- or /* */ comment, you get a continuation prompt until you finish entering a statement ending with a semicolon:

[localhost:21000] > -- This is a test comment
                  > show tables like 't*';
| name   |
| t1     |
| t2     |
| tab1   |
| tab2   |
| tab3   |
| text_t |

Use the up-arrow and down-arrow keys to cycle through and edit previous commands. impala-shell uses the readline library and so supports a standard set of keyboard shortcuts for editing and cursor movement, such as Ctrl-A for beginning of line and Ctrl-E for end of line.

In CDH 5.7 / Impala 2.5 and higher, you can define substitution variables to be used within SQL statements processed by impala-shell. On the command line, you specify the option --var=variable_name=value. Within an interactive session or a script file processed by the -f option, you specify a SET command using the notation SET VAR:variable_name=value. Within a SQL statement, you substitute the value by using the notation ${var:variable_name}.

For example, here are some impala-shell commands that define substitution variables and then use them in SQL statements executed through the -q and -f options. Notice how the -q argument strings are single-quoted to prevent shell expansion of the ${var:value} notation, and any string literals within the queries are enclosed by double quotation marks.

$ impala-shell --var=tname=table1 --var=colname=x --var=coltype=string -q 'create table ${var:tname} (${var:colname} ${var:coltype}) stored as parquet'
Starting Impala Shell without Kerberos authentication
Connected to hostname
Server version: impalad_version
Query: create table table1 (x string) stored as parquet

$ NEW_STRING="hello world"
$ impala-shell --var=tname=table1 --var=insert_val="$NEW_STRING" -q 'insert into ${var:tname} values ("${var:insert_val}")'
Starting Impala Shell without Kerberos authentication
Connected to hostname
Server version: impalad_version
Query: insert into table1 values ("hello world")
Inserted 1 row(s) in 1.40s

$ for VAL in foo bar bletch
  impala-shell --var=tname=table1 --var=insert_val="$VAL" -q 'insert into ${var:tname} values ("${var:insert_val}")'
Query: insert into table1 values ("foo")
Inserted 1 row(s) in 0.22s
Query: insert into table1 values ("bar")
Inserted 1 row(s) in 0.11s
Query: insert into table1 values ("bletch")
Inserted 1 row(s) in 0.21s

$ echo "Search for what substring?" ; read answer
Search for what substring?
$ impala-shell --var=tname=table1 -q 'select x from ${var:tname} where x like "%${var:answer}%"'
Starting Impala Shell without Kerberos authentication
Connected to hostname
Server version: impalad_version
Query: select x from table1 where x like "%b%"
| x      |
| bletch |
| bar    |
Fetched 2 row(s) in 0.83s

Here is a substitution variable passed in by the --var option, and then referenced by statements issued interactively. Then the variable is cleared with the UNSET command, and defined again with the SET command.

$ impala-shell --quiet --var=tname=table1
Starting Impala Shell without Kerberos authentication
[hostname:21000] > select count(*) from ${var:tname};
| count(*) |
| 4        |
[hostname:21000] > unset var:tname;
Unsetting variable TNAME
[hostname:21000] > select count(*) from ${var:tname};
Error: Unknown variable TNAME
[hostname:21000] > set var:tname=table1;
[hostname:21000] > select count(*) from ${var:tname};
| count(*) |
| 4        |