Configuring alert receivers

You can configure alert receivers on Management Console to trigger automated system-specific event notifications through external services such as emails, Slack channel messages, webhook notifications, PagerDuty messages, or SNMP traps. By configuring an alert receiver, you specify the details of an external service through which Management Console forwards the notification to the specified destination.

  • You can configure alert receivers only if you have administrator privileges.
  • Make sure you have the details of the external services for which you are configuring the alert receiver.
  • If your CDP Private Cloud deployment is air gapped, you must have services available within your internal network that can help forward the notifications. For example, you must have one or more of the following services internally available: an SMTP server, a gateway or a proxy that can forward the notifications to external systems, a webhook endpoint that can externally forward the notifications, or an SNMP server.

    Further, you must configure your firewall policies to enable outgoing traffic to external systems.

  1. Sign in to the CDP console.
  2. Click Management Console.
  3. On the Management Console home page, select Administration>Alerts to view the Alerts page.
  4. In the Alert Receivers section of the page, click Add Alert Receiver.
  5. Configure the following options for adding an alert receiver in the pop-up window:
    Field Description
    Alert Scope
    Severity The severity of the alert notifications to configure. You can select notifications of either Warning, or Critical, or both the types.
    Source The Management Console services for which you want to configure the alert notifications. You can select to configure notifications for the environments, or the control plane, or all the environments and control plane.
    Receiver Type The type of external service that receives the alert notification from Management Console. You can select from the following types:
    • Email
    • Slack
    • Webhook
    • PagerDuty
    • SNMP
    Email To The destination email address to which the alert notification email must be forwarded.
    Email From The source email address from where the alert notification email must be forwarded.
    SMTP Server The URL of the SMTP server through which the alert notification email is forwarded. You must specify the host name and port number as part of the SMTP server URL.
    User name The username to access the SMTP server.
    Password The password to access the SMTP server.
    Connection Requires TLS Toggle this option to On if you have a secure connection configured between your CDP Private Cloud deployment and the SMTP server such that the SMTP server's certificate is trusted by CDP Private Cloud.
    API URL The URL of the Slack API associated with the channel to which the notification must be sent.
    Channel The name of the Slack channel. You can specify any name here for your reference because the Slack API derives the actual name from the specified URL.
    URL The URL of the webhook endpoint to which the alert notification must be sent.
    Basic Auth User Name The username for basic authentication to the webhook application.
    Basic Auth Password The password for basic authentication to the webhook application.
    Bearer Token The authentication header in case of using a bearer token.
    Skip TLS Verification (Insecure) Toggle this option to On if you have a secure connection configured between your CDP Private Cloud deployment and the webhook application. For the secure connection, you must use a certificate trusted by CDP Private Cloud.
    URL The URL of the PagerDuty platform to which the notification must be sent.
    Routing Key The PagerDuty Events API v2 integration key. For details, see PagerDuty Services and Integrations.
    SNMP NMS Hostname The DNS name or IP address of the SNMP Network Management Software (NMS) host listening for SNMP traps or notifications.
    SNMP Server Port The port number on which the SNMP server is listening for traps or notifications.
    SNMP Retry Count The maximum number of times to try an SNMP trap before the latter times out. If you specify '0', the trap is sent only once.
    SNMP Timeout (Milliseconds) The time, in milliseconds, to wait after which an SNMP trap times out.
    SNMP Security Level The level of security to use if you the select SNMPv3 protocol for the alert receiver. You can select either authNoPriv or noauthNoPriv security level. The details that you need to specify vary with the security level that you select.

    You can also select the SNMPv2 protocol, if required.

    SNMPv2 Community String The community string for identifying the SNMP service. Generated SNMPv2 traps use this string for authentication purposes. Specify this value if you select SNMPv2 as the SNMP Security Level.
    SNMP Authentication Protocol The authentication algorithm. The available options are MD5 and SHA. Specify this value if you select authNoPriv as the SNMP Security Level.
    SNMP Server Engine Id Used along with the pass phrase to generate keys for authentication and privacy protocols. The Engine ID is a hexadecimal number. Specify this value if you select authNoPriv as the SNMP Security Level.
    SNMP Security Username The name of the user to add for SNMP security. Specify this value if you select either authNoPriv or noauthNoPriv as the SNMP Security Level.
    SNMP Authentication Protocol Pass Phrase The pass phrase to use for the SNMP authentication protocol. Specify this value if you select authNoPriv as the SNMP Security Level.
    Test receiver parameters
    Send Test Event After providing the details to configure the external service, you can send a test notification to verify whether the message reaches the desired destination.
  6. Click Add Alert Receiver.
    The Alert Receivers page now displays the details of the receiver that you just added.
  7. Optional: Repeat steps 4 and 5 to add more alert receivers.