Release NotesPDF version

Fixed Issues for the CDP Private Cloud Data Services Management Console

This section lists the issues that have been fixed since the last release of the CDP Private Cloud Management Console service.

OPSX-2697 Not all images are pushed in upgrade
Fixed the issue of a retry of an upgrade failing at the Copy Images to Docker Registry step due to images not being found locally.
CVE-2021-44228 (Apache Log4j 2 vulnerability) has been addressed in CDW on CDP Private Cloud Management Console version 1.4.0
Log4j 2 has been upgraded to version 2.17.
Fix copy-docker-template
Fixed the issue of a retry of only the Push Images to Docker Registry failing due to the image not being available locally.
NFS provisioner fails on cluster with more than ~10 nodes
Fixed longhorn nfs_provisioner failing to start on clusters with more than 10 nodes.
Longhorn for Kubernetes is upgraded to version 1.2.x
Longhorn has been upgraded from version 1.1.2 to 1.2.x
ECS High Availability fails during installation
Fixed an issue where selecting multiple ECS Server hosts during install would randomly result in a installation failure.

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