AdministrationPDF version

Configuring alert rules

You can define alert rules for your CDP Private Cloud Data Services deployment based on PromQL expressions. The alerts are automatically triggered when specific events occur in your deployment. You can view the triggered alerts on the Management Console dashboard. Any alert receivers that you have already configured start sending notifications to specified endpoints.

You can configure alert rules only if you have administrator privileges.
Management Console supports two types of alert rules: built-in and custom.
  • Built-in alert rules are system-generated, and therefore, you cannot add or remove them. You can only enable, disable, or edit certain details associated with them.
  • You can create custom alert rules based on your requirements. Further, you can edit, delete, enable, or disable them.
  1. To access the Management Console, click Data Services in Cloudera Manager, then click Open CDP Private Cloud Data Services, then click Management Console.
  2. On the Management Console home page, select Administration > Alerts.
  3. On the Alerts page, click Add Alert Rule.
  4. Configure the following options for adding an alert rule in the pop-up window:
    Field Description
    Name The name of the alert rule. You cannot use spaces or special characters in the name.
    Severity Specify the severity: Critical or Warning.
    Enable Alert Select this checkbox to enable the alert rule.
    Message The alert rule text. You can use PromQL labels to denote entities such as jobs in the text.

    For more information about using PromQL labels, see Alerting Rules.

    Summary A brief summary of the alert rule.
    Time Period The duration for which the PromQL expression must be true. If the expression continues to be true after the specified duration, the configured alert is automatically triggered.
    Source The CDP Private Cloud components for which the alert rule applies. You can select one of the following options as the source:
    • All Environments and Control Plane
    • Environments
    • Control Plane
    • A specific environment from the list of configured environments
    PromQL Expression The query expression in PromQL. The alert is issued when this expression is true for the time period specified in the For Clause.
    Generated Query The query that is generated for a selected workload type depending on the specified PromQL expression.

    You can view the query by clicking Show Generated Query.

    Test PromQL Expression You can click this option to test the query expression generated for the combination of a selected source and workload type.

    If you select one of All Environments and Control Plane, Environments, or Control Plane as the source for the PromQL query, it runs only on the control plane. To run the query on an environment, you must select a specific environment as the source.

  5. Click Add Alert Rule.
    The new alert rule is listed on the Alerts page under Alerting Rules.
  6. Optional: Repeat steps 4 and 5 to add more alert rules.