Provision an operational database cluster

You can provision an operational database cluster that has the default cluster definition or you can define the custom number of worker nodes that you need.

To provision a cluster:
  1. From the Cloudera Management Console, click Environments.
  2. Search for your environment using the search box, and click on the environment name. Your environment clusters page appears.
  3. Click Create Data Hub Cluster.
    The Provision Data Hub Cluster page appears.
  4. From the Selected Environment list, ensure that you have selected the environment in which you want to create the cluster.
  5. Choose the way you want to provision your cluster.
    • Cluster Definition: Select the Cluster Definition option to create your cluster quickly by using one of the prescriptive cluster definitions included by default or one of your previously created custom cluster definitions.
    • Custom: Select the Custom option to install selected services as part of the cluster. The list of services is determined by the selected Cluster Template.
  6. If you selected Cluster Definition:
    1. From the Cluster Definition list, select Operational Database .
    2. In the Cluster Name field, provide a uniquely identifiable cluster name.
  7. If you selected Custom:
    1. From the Platform Version list, select the CDH version of your choice.
    2. From the Cluster Template list, select a cluster template of your choice.
    3. n the Cluster Name field, provide a uniquely identifiable cluster name.
  8. Click Tags to add tags to help you find your cluster-related resources in your cloud provider account.
  9. Select Advanced Options to configure various option such as Image Catalog, Network And Availability, Hardware And Storage, Cloud Storage, and Cluster Extensions.
  10. Optional: Set the number of RegionServers by editing the Instance Count in Advanced Options > Hardware And Storage.
  11. If you want to change the Instance Type of worker nodes to suit your requirements using Advanced Options > Hardware And Storage.
  12. Click Provision Cluster.
    After the cluster is successfully provisioned, you can access the Cloudera Manager user interface from the Cluster Information section.