Fixed Issues in Kudu

This section lists the issues that have been fixed since the previous version.

KUDU-2980: Fault tolerant and diff scans fail if projection contains mis-ordered primary key columns
KUDU-2980: The fault-tolerant scan operation no longer fails for a projection when the key columns are specified in an order other than that of the table schema.
KUDU-2947: A replica with slow WAL may grant votes even if established leader is alive and well
KUDU-2947: A new leader replica is no longer re-elected when the persisting Raft transactions to the WAL takes longer than the leader election timeout.
KUDU-2635: Tserver crash because some orphaned blocks are still listed when deleting metadata
KUDU-2635: The tablet servers no longer crash when the blocks are not removed due to an IO error, especially after recovering from a disk failure.
KUDU-2622: Validate read and write default value sizes when deserializing ColumnSchemaPB
KUDU-2622: Kudu validates the size of the default read and write values when de-serializing ColumnSchemaPB, thereby preventing the master and the tablet servers from crashing.
KUDU-2871: TLS 1.3 not supported by krpc
KUDU-2871: RPC negotiation does not fail on the Linux distributions shipped or updated with OpenSSL version 1.0.2 and newer when TLS v1.3 is supported at both the client and the server side. This is a temporary workaround before the connection negotiation code is properly updated to support 1.5-RTT handshake used in TLS v1.3.
KUDU-2842: Data race in CatalogManager::GetTableLocations
KUDU-2842: The data race between GetTabletLocations() and the tablet report processing threads has been fixed, thereby preventing the Kudu master from crashing.
KUDU-2625: Unexpected behavior of WriteBatch wrt rows violating schema constraints
KUDU-2625: Tablet servers now reject any individual write operations that violate the schema constraints in a batch of write operations. In prior versions of Kudu, the behavior was designed to reject the whole batch of write operations if a violation of the schema constraints is detected even for a single row. We recommend that you revise the applications that relied on the behavior mentioned above upon upgrading to Kudu 1.11.0.
Apache bug ID unavailable
A tablet server no longer crashes when you remove a tablet replica with a pending AlterSchema transaction.