Data Access

Cloudera Data Platform Runtime includes Apache Hive 3 and Apache Impala for storing and accessing data in the Hive metastore database. Hive 3 addresses enterprise data warehouse demands for transactional data in the ORC file format. Impala performs high-performance, low-latency SQL queries on data in Parquet and other formats. Hue is a web-based interactive editor for querying the Hive metastore that also creates Oozie workflows. DAS is a web application for performing operations on Hive tables and also provides recommendations for optimizing the performance of your queries.

Using Data Analytics Studio
Describes how to work with queries, manage databases and tables, and generate reports.
Starting Apache Hive
Describes how to launch Hive, execute Hive commands, and issue Hive queries from Beeline.
Using Hive
Covers how to use Hive 3 to query flat and transactional data using SQL statements.
Managing Apache Hive
Includes information about mature ACID v2 operations on transactions.
Configuring Apache Hive
Describes how to set up Hive to generate statistics and control the number of concurrent connections to Hive.
Configuring Apache Hive Metastore
Covers how to configure Hive metastore (HMS) to access metadata of multiple services, such as Hive, Impala, and Spark.
Securing Apache Hive
Discusses how to choose an authorization model based on how your organization uses Hive.
Integrating Apache Hive with Apache Spark and BI
Covers accessing Spark data to and from Hive and using the JdbcStorageHandler to access an external data source, such as Business Intelligence (BI) tools.
Migrating Data to Apache Hive
Explains how to move data from relational databases directly to Hive or to the file system or object store and how to move data back to Hive.
Managing Apache Impala
Presents the task topics for configuring and managing Impala.
Using Hue
Describes how to use Hue to query Apache Impala data sets and how to use it to browse metadata in Apache Atlas.
Administering Hue
Describes how to configure Hue, customize its web UI, and to enable integration with Apache Atlas.
Securing Hue
Describes how to set Hue user and application permissions, configure SSL connections, LDAP authentication, and integration with Apache Ranger and Knox.
Tuning Hue
Describes how to add a load balancer and configure high availability for Hue and between Hue and other components, such as Hive, Impala, and HDFS.