Deploy CSI driver on each NodeManager
You must manually deploy the CSI driver associated with the external storage on YARN. The CSI driver listens on a UNIX domain socket. Therefore, you must ensure that each NodeManager has the driver configured and running, and that the yarn user has read-write access to the UNIX domain socket file.
Configure the values of specific properties in
to deploy
the CSI driver on the NodeManager.
The following table lists the specific properties:
Property Name | Example Value | Description |
yarn.nodemanager.csi-driver.names |
ch.ctrox.csi.s3-driver |
One or more names of the CSI drivers on the NodeManager. The value of
this property must be the same as the name returned by the driver’s
| |
unix:///tmp/ch.ctrox.csi.s3-driver.sock |
The UNIX domain socket path on which the driver listens. This value depends on how the driver is configured. | | |
The service address of the CSI driver adapter for the driver
ch.ctrox.csi.s3-driver .After the property is configured, YARN starts a CSI driver adapter service on this address and proxies requests to the CSI driver. |