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Run Docker on YARN using the YARN services API

You can deploy a load balanced web server pair on a single node HDP cluster using the YARN Services API.

Note that the networking setup here is not appropriate for a multi-node cluster. See the Networking Recommendations for more.
  1. Create the following Yarnfile and save it to /tmp/httpd.json:
                         "content":"<html><header><title>Title</title></header><body>Hello from ${COMPONENT_INSTANCE_NAME}!</body></html>"
  2. Copy the HTTPD proxy configuration to HDFS. This configuration will be used to configure the HTTPD proxy container to load balance traffic between two backend HTTPD servers.

    hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal /usr/hdp/current/hadoop-yarn-client/yarn-service-examples/httpd-no-dns/httpd-proxy-no-dns.conf

  3. Submit the HTTPD application using the YARN CLI:

    yarn app -launch httpdservice /tmp/httpd.json

  4. Once the application has launched, get the IP address for the HTTPD proxy container to validate that the backend servers have successfully started. The components need to reach a STABLE state and the containers a READY state in the status output before proceeding with next step.

    yarn app -status httpdservice

    use jq or python -m json.tool to pretty print the output.

    The output will appear as follows.

                         "content":"<html><header><title>Title</title></header><body>Hello from ${COMPONENT_INSTANCE_NAME}!</body></html>"

    Find the details regarding the httpd-proxy-0 instance and record the IP address associated with the container. In the example above, the IP is

  5. Using curl, or a similar HTTP client, perform a GET request to the HTTPD proxy on port 8080, using the IP address obtained in the previous step.


    The requests should be routed to both backend HTTPD servers, as seen in the following output:

    [user@node ~]$ curl <html><header><title>Title</title></header><body>Hello from httpd-0!</body></html>

    [user@node ~]$ curl <html><header><title>Title</title></header><body>Hello from httpd-1!</body></html>

    [user@node ~]$ curl <html><header><title>Title</title></header><body>Hello from httpd-0!</body></html>

    [user@node ~]$ curl <html><header><title>Title</title></header><body>Hello from httpd-1!</body></html>