Monitoring and DiagnosticsPDF version

Viewing Historical Disk Usage by User, Group, or Directory

You can use the historical disk usage reports to view disk usage over a time range you define. You can have the usage statistics reported per hour, day, week, month, or year.

  1. To create the report, click the report name (link) to produce the initial report. This generates a report that shows Raw Bytes for the past month, aggregated daily.
  2. To change the report parameters, select the Start Date and End Date to define the time range of the report.
  3. Select the Graph Metric you want to graph: bytes, raw bytes, or files and directories count.
  4. In the Report Period field, select the period over which you want the metrics aggregated. The default is Daily. This affects both the number of rows in the results table, and the granularity of the data points on the graph.
  5. Click Generate Report to produce a new report.

    As with the current reports, the report data is also presented in chart format, and you can use the cursor to view the data shown on the charts, as well as save and print them.

    For weekly or monthly reports, the Date indicates the date on which disk usage was measured.

    The directories shown in the Historical Disk Usage by Directory report are the HDFS directories you have set as watched directories.