Installing Hue

This section describes Hue installation and configuration on a cluster. The steps in this section apply whether you are installing on a single machine in pseudo-distributed mode, or on a cluster.

Install Python 2.6 or 2.7

CDH 5 Hue will only work with the default Python version of the operating system on which it is being installed. For example, on RHEL/CentOS 6 you will need Python 2.6 to start Hue. However, RHEL 5 and CentOS 5 users will have to download Python 2.6 from the EPEL repository as described below.
To install packages from the EPEL repository, download the appropriate repository rpm packages to your machine and then install Python using yum. For example, use the following commands for RHEL 5 or CentOS 5:
$ su -c 'rpm -Uvh'
$ yum install python26

Installing the Hue Packages

You must install the hue-common package on the machine where you will run the Hue Server. In addition, if you will be using Hue with MRv1, you must install the hue-plugins package on the system where you are running the JobTracker. (In pseudo-distributed mode, these will all be the same system.)

The hue meta-package installs the hue-common package and all the Hue applications; you also need to install hue-server, which contains the Hue start and stop scripts.

On RHEL systems:

  • On the Hue Server machine, install the hue package:
$ sudo yum install hue
  • For MRv1: on the system that hosts the JobTracker, if different from the Hue server machine, install the hue-plugins package:
$ sudo yum install hue-plugins

On SLES systems:

  • On the Hue Server machine, install the hue package:
$ sudo zypper install hue
  • For MRv1: on the system that hosts the JobTracker, if different from the Hue server machine, install the hue-plugins package:
$ sudo zypper install hue-plugins

On Ubuntu or Debian systems:

  • On the Hue Server machine, install the hue package:
$ sudo apt-get install hue 
  • For MRv1: on the system that hosts the JobTracker, if different from the Hue server machine, install the hue-plugins package:
$ sudo apt-get install hue-plugins

Hue Dependencies

The following table shows the components that are dependencies for the different Hue applications:

Component Dependent Applications
HDFS Core, File Browser
MapReduce Job Browser, Job Designer, Oozie, Hive Editor, Pig, Sqoop
YARN Job Browser, Job Designer, Oozie, Hive Editor, Pig, Sqoop
Oozie Job Designer, Oozie Editor/Dashboard
Hive Hive Editor, Metastore Tables
Impala Impala Editor, Metastore Tables
HBase HBase Browser
Pig Pig Editor, Oozie
Search Solr Search
Spark Spark
Sentry Hadoop Security
Sqoop Oozie
Sqoop 2 Sqoop Transfer
ZooKeeper ZooKeeper