Using the Lily HBase NRT Indexer Service

To indexfor column families of tables in an HBase cluster:

  • Enable replication on HBase column families
  • Create collections and configurations
  • Register a Lily HBase Indexer configuration with the Lily HBase Indexer Service
  • Verify that indexing is working

Enabling Replication on HBase Column Families

Ensure that cluster-wide HBase replication is enabled. Use the HBase shell to define column-family replication settings.

For every existing table, set the REPLICATION_SCOPE on every column family that needs to be indexed by issuing a command of the form:

$ hbase shell
hbase shell> disable 'record'
hbase shell> alter 'record', {NAME => 'data', REPLICATION_SCOPE => 1}
hbase shell> enable 'record'

For every new table, set the REPLICATION_SCOPE on every column family that needs to be indexed by issuing a command of the form:

$ hbase shell
hbase shell> create 'record', {NAME => 'data', REPLICATION_SCOPE => 1}

Creating Collections and Configurations

The tasks required for the Lily HBase NRT Indexer Services are the same as those described for the Lily HBase Batch Indexer. Follow the steps described in these sections:

Registering a Lily HBase Indexer Configuration with the Lily HBase Indexer Service

When the content of the Lily HBase Indexer configuration XML file is satisfactory, register it with the Lily HBase Indexer Service.This is done with a given SolrCloud collection by uploading the Lily HBase Indexer configuration XML file to ZooKeeper. For example:

$ hbase-indexer add-indexer \
--name myIndexer \
--indexer-conf $HOME/morphline-hbase-mapper.xml \
--connection-param solr.zk=solr-cloude-zk1,solr-cloude-zk2/solr \
--connection-param solr.collection=hbase-collection1 \
--zookeeper hbase-cluster-zookeeper:2181

Verify that the indexer was successfully created as follows:

$ hbase-indexer list-indexers
Number of indexes: 1

  + Lifecycle state: ACTIVE
  + Incremental indexing state: SUBSCRIBE_AND_CONSUME
  + Batch indexing state: INACTIVE
  + SEP subscription ID: Indexer_myIndexer
  + SEP subscription timestamp: 2013-06-12T11:23:35.635-07:00
  + Connection type: solr
  + Connection params:
    + solr.collection = hbase-collection1
    + solr.zk = localhost/solr
  + Indexer config:
      110 bytes, use -dump to see content
  + Batch index config:
  + Default batch index config:
  + Processes
    + 1 running processes
    + 0 failed processes

Use the update-indexer and delete-indexer command-line options of the hbase-indexer utility to manipulate existing Lily HBase Indexers.

For more help, use the following commands:

$ hbase-indexer add-indexer --help
$ hbase-indexer list-indexers --help
$ hbase-indexer update-indexer --help
$ hbase-indexer delete-indexer --help

Verifying that Indexing Works

Add rows to the indexed HBase table. For example:

$ hbase shell
hbase(main):001:0> put 'record', 'row1', 'data', 'value'
hbase(main):002:0> put 'record', 'row2', 'data', 'value2'

If the put operation succeeds, wait a few seconds, navigate to the SolrCloud UI query page, and query the data. Note the updated rows in Solr.

To print diagnostic information, such as the content of records as they pass through the morphline commands, enable the TRACE log level. For example, you might add two lines to your file:
In Cloudera Manager 4, navigate to Services > KS_INDEXER > Configuration > View and Edit > Lily HBase Indexer > Advanced > Lily HBase Indexer Logging Safety Valve, and then restart the Lily HBase Indexer Service.

In Cloudera Manager 5, navigate to Clusters > KS_INDEXER-1 > Configuration > View and Edit > Lily HBase Indexer > Advanced > Lily HBase Indexer Logging Safety Valve, and then restart the Lily HBase Indexer Service.

Examine the log files in /var/log/hbase-solr/lily-hbase-indexer-* for details.