Kudu RPC
CDH 5.15, CDH 6.1, and later versions of Impala use a new network protocol called Kudu RPC (KRPC) for communication between the Impala brokers.
By: Manish Maheshwari, Data Architect and Data Scientist at Cloudera, Inc.
KRPC replaces the older Thrift RPC protocol and significantly improves query performance. Cloudera recommends upgrading to CDH 5.15 and CDH 6.1 or newer versions to benefit from KRPC. With KRPC, queries can run 2-3 times faster and their success rate is higher:

KRPC main benefits:
- Reduces the total number of connections in a cluster.
- Reduces stress on the MIT KDC or on the Active Directory KDC.
- Supports connection multiplexing using one connection per direction between every pair of hosts
See the Cloudera blog for further details about KRPC.