Installing on OpenShiftPDF version

OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) checklist

Use this checklist to ensure that your OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) is configured and ready for installing CDP Private Cloud Data Services.

Table 1. OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) checklist to install CDP Private Cloud Data Services
Item Summary Documentation Notes
OpenShift Platform version

Check the the installed OpenShift Container Platform version.

DNS configuration Ensure that you have set up the DNS and Reverse DNS between OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) hosts and CDP Private Cloud Base. This is required for obtaining Kerberos ticket-granting tickets. Certificate management and DNS A wildcard DNS entry is required for resolving the ingress route for applications. The ingress route is usually behind a load balancer.
Check if you can access the OpenShift hostnames outside the cluster Ensure that OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) application hostnames can be accessed from outside the cluster. A minimal Ingress resource example

Perform a DNS query on the route generated, to check if you can access the hostnames outside the cluster.

Storage classes configuration

Ensure that you have configured separate storage classes for the control plane and the compute clusters. Both the storage classes must be provisioned from Persistent Volumes.

Storage classes N/A
OpenShift Container Platform (OCP)Kubeconfig file Ensure that you have access to the OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) Kubeconfig file, cluster administrator privileges, and sufficient expiry time for you to complete your installation. Download Kubernetes Configuration The kubeconfig should have valid certificates in it for the cluster. If the kubeconfig does not have certificates, then the you must upload custom certifications during CDP installation.
Allow WebSocket traffic in addition to HTTPS When a load balancer is used for your OpenShift Container Platform external API, you must allow WebSocket traffic in addition to HTTPS. The load balancer must allow WebSockets on port 80. Also, ensure that you set the load balancer server timeout to 5 minutes. N/A N/A
Clock time from NTP source Ensure that the NTP clock in CDP Private Cloud Base is in sync with the time configured in the OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) cluster. This is an important step if your setup does not have access to the Internet. Enable an NTP Service Install CDP Private Cloud Data Services in air gap environment
Route admission policy Ensure OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) cluster is configured to run applications in multiple namespaces with the same domain name. Configuring the route admission policy N/A