Upgrading on OpenShiftPDF version

Backing up CDE service using the docker image

You must run the docker image to take backup of a Cloudera Data Engineering (CDE) service. It takes backup of all the active virtual clusters in that CDE service. You can take backup of only an active CDE service.

You must download the dex-upgrade-utils docker image and create the cde-upgrade-util.properties file before backing up jobs as described in the Prerequisites for upgrading CDE Service with endpoint stability section.
Run the dex-upgrade-utils docker image on the host machine:
$ export BACKUP_OUTPUT_DIR=/home/dex/backup 

$ docker run \
-v <kubeconfig_file_path>:/home/dex/.kube/config:ro \
-v <cdp_credential_file_path>:/home/dex/.cdp/credentials:ro \
-v <cde-upgrade-util.properties_file_path>:/opt/cde-backup-restore/scripts/backup-restore/cde-upgrade-util.properties:ro \
-v <local_backup_directory>:$BACKUP_OUTPUT_DIR \
-e KUBECONFIG=/home/dex/.kube/config \
<docker_image_name>:<docker_image_version> prepare-for-upgrade -s <cde-cluster-id> -o $BACKUP_OUTPUT_DIR


$ docker run \

-v $BASE_WORK_DIR/secrets/kubeconfig:/home/dex/.kube/config:ro \
-v $BASE_WORK_DIR/secrets/credentials:/home/dex/.cdp/credentials:ro \
-v $BASE_WORK_DIR/cde-upgrade-util.properties:/opt/cde-backup-restore/scripts/backup-restore/cde-upgrade-util.properties:ro \
-e KUBECONFIG=/home/dex/.kube/config \
docker-private.infra.cloudera.com/cloudera/dex/dex-upgrade-utils:1.19.1 prepare-for-upgrade -s cluster-c2dhkp22 -o $BACKUP_OUTPUT_DIR
You have now taken the CDE service backup as a ZIP file. You can make a note of the Zip file name from the logs to use it while restoring the CDE service.
You must now expand the resource pool, and then upgrade your Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) before you restore the CDE service. For information about configuring resource pool and capacity, see Managing cluster resources using Quota Management.