Installation & UpgradePDF version

Resuming Flink applications

After updating the Cloudera Streaming Analytics artifacts, you can resume your application by the Flink run command. In case you have stopped your application by creating a savepoint, you must add the savepoint location to the command.

  1. Connect to your host where you run your Flink jobs using ssh.
    ssh root@[***FLINK HOSTNAME***]
  2. Submit your Flink application that was stopped before the upgrade.
    flink run [***RUN ARGUMENTS***] \
    [***JAR FILE***] [***APP ARGUMENTS***]
  1. Connect to your host where you run your Flink jobs using ssh.
    ssh root@[***FLINK HOSTNAME***]
  2. Submit your Flink application that was stopped before the upgrade.
    flink run [***RUN ARGUMENTS***] \
    -fromSavepoint hdfs:///tmp/savepoints/[***SAVEPOINT NAME***] \ 
    [***JAR FILE***] [***APP ARGUMENTS***]