SecurityPDF version

Enabling TLS for database connection

You can enable encrypted communication between SSB and the configured databases using the Database connection property in Cloudera Manager.

  1. Go to your cluster in Cloudera Manager.
  2. Click SQL Stream Builder from the list of services.
  3. Select Configuration tab.
  4. Add database_tls_connection to the Search box.
  5. Select Database TLS connection to enable encryption for the databases.
  6. Click Save changes.
  7. Restart the SQL Stream Builder service.
    1. Click Action > Restart next to the SQL Stream Builder service name.
Encrypted communication is enabled between SSB and the configured databases.
You must rotate the Certificate Authority and Host Certificates to update the security requirements of your cluster. For more information, see the Rotate Auto-TLS Certificate Authority and Host Certificates in Cloudera Manager documentation.