What's New in CDH 5.10.x

What's New in CDH 5.10.2

This is a maintenance release that fixes some important issues. For details, see Issues Fixed in CDH 5.10.2.

What's New in CDH 5.10.1

This is a maintenance release that fixes some important issues. For details, see Issues Fixed in CDH 5.10.1.

What's New In CDH 5.10.0

Apache HBase

  • Replication debugging functionality has been added.

  • G1 Garbage Collection performance has been improved.

Apache Hive


Apache Impala

Apache Oozie

OOZIE-2225 In addition to the filter parameters name, user, group, status, frequency and unit, Oozie now supports a wild card parameter that matches a partial name, a partial user, or a complete ID.

For example, a query with text='asdf' would return all jobs that satisfy ANY of the following conditions.
  1. job.name.contains(text)
  2. job.user.contains(text)
  3. job.id = text

Cloudera Search

  • The solrctl command can be run in debug mode using the --debug or --trace parameters.


  • Expose maxResources per user in YARN Dynamic Resource Pools

    YARN Dynamic Resource Pools now supports default capacity limits (Max Resources) that automatically apply to all child pools of any resource pool. You can control the YARN resources available to any user or group on the cluster by configuring these settings on a parent pool, and then use placement rules to auto-create child pools per user or group.

  • UX improvements in the Pools page
    Improvements include:
    • Every input row is now clickable and takes the user to that input field in the edit dialog.
    • Split vcores (min/max) and memory (min/max) into min resources and max resources.
    • Renamed Configuration Sets tab to Resource Limits.