Securing Apache Flink Authentication and encryption for FlinkYou must use authentication and encryption to secure your data and data sources. You can use Kerberos and TLS/SSL authentication to secure your Flink jobs. The administrator should provide your keystore and truststore credentials for your Cloudera user.Enabling security for Apache FlinkSince Flink is essentially just a YARN application, you mainly need to configure service level security settings for the Flink Dashboard and Gateway in Cloudera Manager. You can configure security during the installation or later in the Configuration menu for Flink.Enabling SPNEGO authentication for Flink DashboardYou must manually configure the SPNEGO authentication for Flink Dashboard in Cloudera Manager to enable secure access for users as by default the authentication is turned off.Enabling Knox authentication for Flink DashboardYou can use Knox authentication for Flink Dashboard to provide integration with customer Single Sign-On (SSO) solutions. Knox uses Kerberos (SPNEGO) to strongly authenticate itself towards the services.Configuring Ranger policies for FlinkYou must add Flink users to the Ranger policies that are used by Kafka, Schema Registry, and Kudu to provide access to topics, schemas and tables provided by the components.Securing Apache Flink jobsSubmitting Flink jobs in a secure environment requires every security parameter for authentication, authorization and other connector related security settings. You should prepare your keystore and keytab files for Flink and for also the chosen connector component. Using EncryptTool for Flink propertiesCloudera Streaming Analytics offers EncryptTool to further protect your user information and configurations when communicating with Flink using the command line. After generating a master key to the user, you need to manually encrypt the parameters and Flink automatically decrypts the protected values. You also must enable EncryptTool protection in the configuration file for Flink.