CDW Public Cloud Backup and Restore
Backing up and restoring CDW
Cluster URLs after reactivation
Automatic backup and restore
Automatically backing up the environment
Backing up the environment and objects
Monitoring Hue and Data Visualization database backup
Decommissioning the existing environment
Deleting the Virtual Warehouses
Deactivating the environment
Automatically restoring the environment
Restoring the environment and objects
Testing the restoration
Monitoring Hue and Data Visualization restoration
Semi-automatic backup and restore
Gathering AWS environment activation parameters
Gathering Azure activation parameters
Gathering observability configurations
Backing up the environment and objects
Monitoring Hue and Data Visualization database backup
Decommissioning the existing environment
Deleting the Virtual Warehouses
Deactivating the environment
Manually reactivating the environment
Modifying configurations after activation
Restoring the environment and objects
Testing the restoration
Monitoring Hue and Data Visualization restoration
Manual backup and restore
Manually backing up the environment
Gathering AWS environment activation parameters
Gathering Azure activation parameters
Gathering observability configurations
Backing up Virtual Warehouse parameters
Backing up Hue
Backing up Data Visualization applications
Decommissioning the existing environment
Deleting the Virtual Warehouses
Deactivating the environment
Manually restoring the environment
Manually reactivating the environment
Modifying configurations after activation
Disabling end user access
Recreating the Virtual Warehouses
Restoring Hue
Restoring Data Visualization
Enabling end user access
Monitoring environment restoration