Installing or Upgrading Ozone 718.2.4 parcel

To install or upgrade the Ozone 718.2.4 parcel, perform the following procedure:

  • As a prevalidation for installation of the Ozone parcels, ensure that /var/lib/hadoop-hdfs is present on all the nodes and owned by the user hdfs.
  • You must check the cluster state and run the required sanity checks before finalizing upgrade.
  1. Log in to Cloudera Manager
  2. On the left navigation pane, click Parcels
  3. Click Parcel Repositories & Network Settings
  4. In the Remote Parcel Repository URLs section, click the "+" icon and add the Ozone 718.2.4 URL for your Parcel repository. For the Ozone parcel URL, refer to the Downloading the Ozone parcel section.
  5. Click Save & Verify Configuration. A message with the status of the verification appears above the Remote Parcel Repository URLs section. If the URL is not valid, check the URL and enter the correct URL.
  6. After the URL is verified, click Close.
  7. Locate the row in the table that contains the new Ozone parcel and click the Download button.
  8. After the download of the new Ozone parcel is complete, click the Distribute button.
    Wait for the parcel to be distributed and unpacked before continuing. Cloudera Manager displays the status of the Cloudera Runtime parcel distribution. Click on the status display to view detailed status for each host.
  9. Prepare the Ozone service for an upgrade before upgrading the Ozone software. Click Prepare for Upgrade under the Action drop-down.
  10. Click Stop under the Action drop-down to stop the Ozone service
  11. Click Activate on the Parcels page. If Ozone 718.1.0 parcel is already installed, this step will deactivate Ozone 718.1.0 parcel.
  12. Click Finish Upgrade under the Action drop-down. Continue with next step.
  13. Update YARN to use the new Ozone Client Jars. Ozone parcel activation or install should handle redeployment of YARN jars and clean-up cache. Perform the following steps:
    1. Log in to Cloudera Manager UI.
    2. Navigate to Clusters
    3. Select the YARN service
    4. Click Actions
    5. Click Install YARN Service Dependencies
    6. Click Install YARN MapReduce Framework JARs
  14. Update Tez Configuration: (If this is not done as part of a previous Ozone parcel installation.)
    1. For tez.cluster.additional.classpath.prefix, the value is /var/lib/hadoop-hdfs/* (Tez Additional Classpath)
    2. For tez.user.classpath.first, the value is true (Tez Client Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for tez-conf/tez-site.xml)
  15. Update Hive On Tez configuration: (If this is not done as part of a previous Ozone parcel installation.)
    1. For tez.cluster.additional.classpath.prefix the value is /var/lib/hadoop-hdfs/* (Hive Service Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for hive-site.xml)
    2. For tez.user.classpath.first, the value is true (Hive Service Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for hive-site.xml)
  16. Restart the CDP 7.1.8 cluster: Click the Actions menu and click Restart.
  17. Click Finalize Upgrade under the Action drop-down.