Release Notes
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Fixed Issues

Fixed issues represents selected issues that were previously logged via Hortonworks Support, but are now addressed in the current release. These issues may have been reported in previous versions within the Known Issues section; meaning they were reported by customers or identified by Hortonworks Quality Engineering team.

Potential Data Loss

Hortonworks Bug ID

Apache Component

Apache JIRA


BUG-57918HDFSHDFS-10178Permanent write failures can happen if pipeline recoveries occur for the first packet.
BUG-58254HBaseHBASE-15811Batch Get after batch Put does not fetch all Cells


Hortonworks Bug ID

Apache Component

Apache JIRA


BUG-39696HiveHIVE-6026LDAP Authenticator should be more generic with BindDN.
BUG-53072KafkaKAFKA-2854The full Kerberos principal must be passed through for incoming requests to Kafka.
BUG-55917StormSTORM-1711HiveUtils.authenticate reuses current UGI, mixes up principles in use.
BUG-56577Accumulo, HDFSHADOOP-12559, HADOOP-12682, HADOOP-12716Port HOTFIX for HADOOP-12787 (KMS SPNEGO sequence does not work with WEBHDFS) and HADOOP-12559 (KMS connection failures should trigger TGT renewal).
BUG-57460HBase, PhoenixHBASE-15837, PHOENIX-2883Invalid memstore state during close of region for Phoenix table.
BUG-58666HiveHIVE-13729FileSystem$Cache leaks in FileUtils.checkFileAccessWithImpersonation.

Incorrect Results

Hortonworks Bug ID

Apache Component

Apache JIRA


BUG-35149YARNYARN-4392ATS logs show start timestamp later than end timestamp.
BUG-49254RangerRANGER-798Ranger "Access > Audit" not showing anything with Source "Solr" due to time filter issue (GMT).
BUG-53364HBaseHBASE-15325ResultScanner allowing partial result will miss the rest of the row if the region is moved between two rpc requests.
BUG-55160PhoenixPHOENIX-1478Can't upsert value of 127 into column of type unsigned tinyint.
BUG-56961HBaseHBASE-15676FuzzyRowFilter fails and matches all the rows in the table if the mask consists of all 0s.
BUG-57030PhoenixPHOENIX-2876Phoenix ORDER BY clause does not work if the ORDER BY column is not present in the Select clause.
BUG-58764HBase, PhoenixPHOENIX-2915Dropping of Index can still leave some non-replayed writes in WAL.
BUG-60197Knox, RangerRANGER-1039Knox permission details (User and Groups) are not listed from Ranger UI.
BUG-62125HiveHIVE-12768Tez various wrong results with map <- (map , reduce) join on decimal query.


Hortonworks Bug ID

Apache Component

Apache JIRA


BUG-17827SqoopSQOOP-2777Sqoop Fails to Create Tables with Reserved Keywords.
BUG-18218YARNYARN-3846Scheduler queue filter failed to work because index of queue column changed.
BUG-27069FlumeFLUME-2118Occasional multi-hour pauses in file channel replay.
BUG-41311HDFSHDFS-9917Namenode quickly runs out of memory at start due to queued incremental block reports.
BUG-43539HBaseHBASE-14229Flushing canceled by coprocessor still leads to memstoreSize set down.
BUG-45878Hive, Hive2HIVE-13563Hive Streaming does not honor orc.compress.size and orc.stripe.size table properties.
BUG-46789Hive, Hive2HIVE-13151Hive metastore memory leak of fs cache with ACID compaction on.
BUG-48217YARNYARN-4325After restarting YARN services, applications stays in ACCEPTED state.
BUG-49898HiveHIVE-12684Autoquerygen tests failing in secure runs
BUG-51596HiveHIVE-12439Hive Compactor cleaner thread fails to clean aborted txns due to ORA-01795 limit.
BUG-51816Hive, Hive2HIVE-12976DirectSQL fails for large TPC-H runs.
BUG-52300HBaseHBASE-15234ReplicationLogCleaner can abort due to transient ZK issues.
BUG-53270Hive Query with duplicate columns in GROUP BY clause fails.
BUG-53536OozieOOZIE-2185Make oozie cli source conf/
BUG-54166HBaseHBASE-15441Fix WAL splitting when region has moved multiple times.
BUG-54308YARNYARN-998Dynamic resource persistent from NM/RM restart.
BUG-54498HiveHIVE-12165Wrong result when hive.optimize.sampling.orderby=true with some aggregate functions.
BUG-54500HiveHIVE-12064Prevent transactional=false.
BUG-54603TezTEZ-3114Shuffle OOM due to EventMetaData flood.
BUG-54671HiveHIVE-13233Use min and max values to estimate better stats for comparison operators.
BUG-55447Hadoop CommonHADOOP-11687Ignore x-* and response headers when copying an Amazon S3 object.
BUG-55494Hadoop CommonHADOOP-11901BytesWritable fails to support 2G chunks due to integer overflow
BUG-55550HiveHIVE-13200Aggregation functions returning empty rows on partitioned columns.
BUG-55810HiveHIVE-13242DISTINCT keyword is dropped by the parser for windowing.
BUG-55816HiveHIVE-10555Improve windowing spec of range based windowing to support additional range formats.
BUG-56083HiveHIVE-13394Analyze table fails in tez on empty partitions/files/tables.
BUG-56420HDFSHDFS-10319Balancer should not try to pair storages with different types.
BUG-56423HDFSHDFS-10312NameNode is stuck at SafeMode due to not all data blocks validated
BUG-56528HiveHIVE-13596Need JAR fix for UDF reloading.
BUG-56772HDFS, RangerHADOOP-12423, HADOOP-12950, HADOOP-12993, RANGER-891ShutdownHookManager should have a timeout for each of the Registered shutdown hook.
BUG-56869HDFSHDFS-9902Support different values of dfs.datanode.du.reserved per storage-type.
BUG-56932HDFSHDFS-10335Mover$Processor#chooseTarget() always chooses the first matching target storage group.
BUG-57007HDFSHDFS-9917Namenode quickly runs out of memory at start due to queued incremental block reports.
BUG-57016Hive, Hive2HIVE-14083ALTER INDEX via JDBC & HiveCLI causes NullPointerException.
BUG-57556Hive, Hive2HIVE-14027NULL values produced by left outer join do not behave as null.
BUG-57732HBaseHBASE-14712, HBASE-15100MasterProcWALs never clean up.
BUG-57907HBasePHOENIX-2892Scan for pre-warming the block cache for 2ndary index should be removed.
BUG-58450Flume, Hive, PhoenixPHOENIX-2568Flume dependency of Phoenix is bringing in an old version of Thrift (0.7.0).
BUG-58850SqoopSQOOP-2596Sqoop import from sybase fails with varchars.
BUG-59089HiveHIVE-13592Metastore calls map is not thread safe.
BUG-59268HiveHIVE-13632Hive failing on insert empty array into parquet table.
BUG-60071HiveHIVE-10631, HIVE-12213Create partitioned table takes longer time and then eventually fails.
BUG-60335Hive, Hive2HIVE-14147Hive PPD might remove predicates when they are defined as a simple expression e.g. WHERE 'a'.


Hortonworks Bug ID

Apache Component

Apache JIRA


BUG-54675Ambari, KafkaAMBARI-16027RU does not handle Kafka .8.* topics well (Changes broker IDS).
BUG-54742Ambari, RangerRANGER-910Error during EU while applying Ranger Java patches.
BUG-61600Ambari, RangerAMBARI-16756[EU] Ranger restart is not happening after upgrade.


Hortonworks Bug ID

Apache Component

Apache JIRA


BUG-41362SqoopSQOOP-1361Sqoop import with --as-avrofile does not work when DB table column names have '$' character in them.
BUG-42190Ambari, Storm Ambari start Storm UI reports failure, although UI starts.
BUG-46316SqoopSQOOP-2471Support for Importing of arrays and struct datatypes in Sqoop Hcatalog.
BUG-49832FalconFALCON-678Port doesn't change from 15000 to 15443 when change TLS to true.
BUG-50767FalconFALCON-790Can't edit Falcon process specifications on Falcon Web UI once process is saved.
BUG-52058Ambari, SparkAMBARI-16757Spark History Server heap size is not exposed (History Server crashed with OOM).
BUG-52622Falcon, Oozie, SparkOOZIE-2170Fix Issues in current Oozie Spark Integration.
BUG-56556Workflow DesignerOOZIE-1983Add spark action executor.
BUG-57755HBaseHBASE-15808Reduce potential bulk load intermediate space usage and waste.
BUG-60495HiveHIVE-14022Left semi join should throw SemanticException if where clause contains columnname from right table.


Hortonworks Bug ID

Apache Component

Apache JIRA


BUG-50730HiveHIVE-12893Hive optimize.sort.dynamic.partition not enabled in case of combination of bucketing and constant propagation if subset of partition column value set.
BUG-51723Hadoop CommonHADOOP-12444Consider implementing lazy seek in S3AInputStream.
BUG-52149HBaseHBASE-15213Fix increment performance regression.
BUG-52844RangerRANGER-794, RANGER-836, RANGER-843, RANGER-844Policy download optimizations.
BUG-53757Hive, Hive2HIVE-11424, HIVE-13233Stats are not properly accounted for when multiple COUNT(DISTINCT) are in the query.
BUG-53830Hive2HIVE-13189, HIVE-13248Performance improvements for date_add/date_sub/to_date.
BUG-55291HDFSHDFS-10223peerFromSocketAndKey performs SASL exchange before setting connection timeouts.
BUG-57513HDFSHDFS-9198, HDFS-9958BlockManager#createLocatedBlocks can throw NPE for corruptBlocks on failed storages.
BUG-57906HBaseHBASE-14460Regression for CheckAndPut and Increment updates.


Hortonworks Bug ID

Apache Component

Apache JIRA


BUG-56919YARNYARN-2910FSLeafQueue can throw ConcurrentModificationException.
BUG-60199RangerRANGER-1025Policy search REST API implemented in public api V1 is not returning results as expected.