HDP 2.5.0 provides Atlas 0.7.0 and the following Apache patches:
ATLAS-347: Atlas search APIs should allow pagination of results.
ATLAS-584: Integrate CSRF prevention filter.
ATLAS-639: Exception for lineage request.
ATLAS-655: Please delete old releases from mirroring system.
ATLAS-762: Assertion in NegativeSSLAndKerberosTest.testUnsecuredClient needs to be hardened.
ATLAS-847: UI Audit versioning does not paginate details from Atlas server.
ATLAS-861: 1 table out of 50,000 tables is left unimported throwing exception during deserialization.
ATLAS-902: Atlas throws exception due to null definition in Hive create table statement.
ATLAS-917: Add hdfs paths to process qualified name for non-partition based queries.
ATLAS-936: Update atlas website for 0.7 release.
ATLAS-949: UI improvement for modal and tag styling in table.
ATLAS-957: Atlas is not capturing topologies that have $ in the data payload.
ATLAS-963: UI Entity details is not display String array attribute values correctly.
ATLAS-965: Old lineage still exists after dropping tables and re-creating tables with same name.
ATLAS-966: Exit execution of if HIVE_HOME is not set.
ATLAS-968: Set group information from UGI for Ldap authentication.
ATLAS-970: Remove glyphicon from login.jsp.
ATLAS-971: UI not displaying results for this query - Eg "hive_table as t where qualifiedName = 'default.input@cl1' select t".
ATLAS-986: Ability to differentiate business catalog terms from traits.
ATLAS-987: Atlas hooks should avoid adding dependent libraries to component CLASSPATH.
ATLAS-988: HiveHookIT.testInsertIntoTable is broken.
ATLAS-990: Hive Import metadata script fails with auth exception.
ATLAS-993: If condition in DSL order by clause is not defined then DSL query fails.
ATLAS-995: Atlas to setup ldap authentication type as either LDAP / AD or None.
ATLAS-996: DSL queries with comparisons of many primitive types fail.
ATLAS-998: Determine HA mode from property atlas.server.ids, instead of atlas.server.ha.enabled.
ATLAS-1001: UI Paginate search APIs.
ATLAS-1002: Create default user rangertagsync in atlas file authentication for Ranger tag sync module.
ATLAS-1003: DataSetLineageServiceTest, GraphBackedDiscoveryServiceTest, and GraphRepoMapperScaleTest failing in some environments.
ATLAS-1004: Option to enable taxonomy feature.
ATLAS-1006: Paginate full text search results.
ATLAS-1009: Source HIVE_HOME and HIVE_CONF_DIR from
ATLAS-1010: Atlas allows recreation of tags with same name.
ATLAS-1021: Update Atlas architecture wiki.
ATLAS-1022: Update typesystem wiki with details.
ATLAS-1025: Set HIVE_HOME if hive is available in relative path to import hive script.
ATLAS-1026: StoreBackedTypeCache issues.
ATLAS-1027: Atlas hooks should use properties from, instead of component's configuration.
ATLAS-1030: Add instrumentation to measure performance REST API.
ATLAS-1032: Atlas hook package should not include libraries already present in host component - like log4j.
ATLAS-1033: Fix for issues flagged by Coverity scan.
ATLAS-1034: Incorrect Falcon hook impl class name in Falcon hook shim.
ATLAS-1036: Compilation error on java 1.8 - GraphBackedDiscoveryService.
ATLAS-1038: Multiple instances of AtlasPluginClassloader getting initialized.
ATLAS-1042: Performance improvement changes for propertykey+typeName based queries.
ATLAS-1046: Search pagination refinements.
ATLAS-1048: test in distro project fails on Windows.
ATLAS-1049: Fix validation while filtering by supertypes.
ATLAS-1049: List types by supertype.
ATLAS-1051: Sqoop Hook does not package HDFS model jars which is required.
ATLAS-1052: Fix NPE in HiveHook due to null Session State.
ATLAS-1053: Fix issues flagged by Coverity scan - potential NPE.
ATLAS-1056: Differentiate between tag and term using attribute "taxonomy.namespace".
ATLAS-1059: Change log level to debug for search APIs.
ATLAS-1060: Add composite indexes for exact match performance improvements for all attributes.
ATLAS-1064: Pagination for full text search results.
ATLAS-1065: Full text search view same as DSL's.
ATLAS-1066: Falcon fails to post entity to Atlas due to Kafka exception.
ATLAS-1071: Regression - UI - Details Button under Audits Tab is not working.
ATLAS-1080: Regression - UI - hive_storagedesc is shown as "undefined" in UI.
ATLAS-1086: Build failure in hive-bridge after security fixes in ATLAS-762.
ATLAS-1087: Provide an option to turn off persisting entity definition in audits.
ATLAS-1088: Fix /search api to default to full text on DSL failure.
ATLAS-1090: Multi-Select Tagging.
ATLAS-1091: Improvement in DSL search functionality.
ATLAS-1092: Add Table.CreateTime to process qualified Name for all hive_process for lineage to work on dropped/recreated tables.
ATLAS-1096: Modify HiveMetaStoreBridge.import to use getEntity instead of DSL.
ATLAS-1099: Multiple tag assign button hides wrongly.
ATLAS-1103: Search type list is not refreshed.
ATLAS-1104: Get outgoing edges by label doesn't work in some cases.
ATLAS-1105: Disable HiveLiteralRewriterTest since its not used currently.
ATLAS-1108: In Atlas HA mode , in Passive instance fails.
ATLAS-1111: Data loss is observed when atlas is restarted while hive_table metadata ingestion into Kafka topic is in-progress.
ATLAS-1112: Hive table GET response from atlas server had duplicate column entries.
ATLAS-1115: Show Tag / Taxonomy Listing in sorted order.
ATLAS-1119: Add retries for edge label creation.
ATLAS-1121: NPE while submitting topology in StormHook.