HDP 2.5.0 provides HBase 1.1.2 and the following Apache patches:
HBASE-5291: Add Kerberos HTTP SPNEGO authentication support toHBASE web consoles.
HBASE-13318: RpcServer.getListenerAddress should handle when the accept channel is closed.
HBASE-13829: Add more ThrottleType.
HBASE-14123: HBASE Backup/Restore Phase 2.
HBASE-14140: HBASE Backup Admin API.
HBASE-14172: Upgrade existing thrift binding using thrift 0.9.3 compiler.
HBASE-14258: Make region_mover.rb script case insensitive with regard to hostname.
HBASE-14269: FuzzyRowFilter omits certain rows when multiple fuzzy key exist.
HBASE-14283: Reverse scan doesn’t work with HFile inline index/bloom blocks.
HBASE-14302: TableSnapshotInputFormat should not create back references when restoring snapshot.
HBASE-14307: Incorrect use of positional read api in HFileBlock.
HBASE-14313: After a Connection sees ConnectionClosingException it never recovers.
HBASE-14407: NotServingRegion:HBASE region closed forever.
HBASE-14449: Rewrite deadlock prevention for concurrent connection close.
HBASE-14535: Integration test for rpc connection concurrency / deadlock testing.
HBASE-14536: Balancer & SSH interfering with each other leading to unavailability.
HBASE-14598: ByteBufferOutputStream grows its HeapByteBuffer beyond JVM limitations.
HBASE-14655: Narrow the scope of doAs() calls to region observer notifications for compaction.
HBASE-14667: HBASEFsck constructors have diverged.
HBASE-14680: Two configs for snapshot timeout and better defaults.
HBASE-14712: Increase MasterProcWALs clean up granularity.
HBASE-14805: Status should show the master in shell.
HBASE-14818: user_permission does not list namespace permissions.
HBASE-14843: TestWALProcedureStore.testLoad is flakey.
HBASE-14850: C++ client implementation (TECH PREVIEW. DO NOT DEPLOY IN PROD).
HBASE-14906: Improvements on FlushLargeStoresPolicy.
HBASE-14947: WALProcedureStore improvements.
HBASE-14963: Remove Guava dependency fromHBASE client code.
HBASE-15019: Replication stuck when HDFS is restarted.
HBASE-15100: Master WALProcs still never clean up.
HBASE-15125: HBASEFsck's adoptHdfsOrphan function creates region with wrong end key boundary.
HBASE-15142: Procedure v2 - Basic WebUI listing the procedures.
HBASE-15144: Procedure v2 - Web UI displaying Store state.
HBASE-15221: Reload the cache on re-tried puts in HTableMultiplexer and adds a close() method to HTableMultiplexer.
HBASE-15232: Handle region location cache management in AsyncProcess for multi()'s.
HBASE-15292: Refined ZooKeeperWatcher to prevent ZooKeeper's callback while construction.
HBASE-15377: Per-RS Get metric is time based, per-region metric is size-based.
HBASE-15378: Scanner cannot handle heartbeat message with no results.
HBASE-15465: userPermission returned by getUserPermission() for the selected namespace does not have namespace set.
HBASE-15518: Add per-table metrics.
HBASE-15519: Add per-user metrics.
HBASE-15636: hard coded wait time out value inHBASETestingUtility#waitUntilAllRegionsAssigned might cause test failure.
HBASE-15752: ClassNotFoundException is encountered when custom WAL codec is not found in WALPlayer job.
HBASE-15767: Upgrade httpclient to 4.3.6.
HBASE-15808: Reduce potential bulk load intermediate space usage and waste.
HBASE-15817: Backup history should mention the type (full or incremental) of the backup.
HBASE-15842: SnapshotInfo should display ownership information.
HBASE-15850: Localize the configuration change in testCheckTableLocks to reduce flakiness of TestHBASEFsck test suite.
HBASE-15858: Some region server group shell commands don't work.
HBASE-15861: Add support for table sets in restore operation.
HBASE-15862: Backup - Delete- Restore does not restore deleted data.
HBASE-15873: ACL for snapshot restore / clone is not enforced.
HBASE-15880: RpcClientImpl#tracedWriteRequest incorrectly closes HTrace span.
HBASE-15884: NPE in StoreFileScanner#skipKVsNewerThanReadpoint during reverse scan.
HBASE-15899: HBASE incremental restore should handle namespaces properly.
HBASE-15904: Use comma as separator for list of tables in BackupInfo.
HBASE-15925: compat-module maven variable not evaluated.
HBASE-15928: HBASE backup delete command does not remove backup root dir from hdfs.
HBASE-15931: Add log for long-running tasks in AsyncProcess.
HBASE-15933: NullPointerException may be thrown from SimpleRegionNormalizer#getRegionSize().
HBASE-15953: HBASE backup set list command does not list any existing sets.
HBASE-15971: Regression: Random Read/WorkloadC slower in 1.x than 0.98 (Stack).
HBASE-15972: HBASE backup set command should not accept non-existing table.
HBASE-16006: FileSystem should be obtained from specified path in WALInputFormat#getSplits().
HBASE-16007: Job's Configuration should be passed to TableMapReduceUtil#addDependencyJars() in WALPlayer.
HBASE-16012: Major compaction can't work due to obsolete scanner read point in RegionServer.
HBASE-16016: Fix overflow deadline value in AssignmentManager#waitForAssignment.
HBASE-16037: Backup/Restore: Make automatic mode default one.
HBASE-16045: Endtime argument for VerifyReplication was incorrectly specified in usage.
HBASE-16048: Tag InternalScanner with LimitedPrivate(HBASEInterfaceAudience.COPROC).
HBASE-16052: ImproveHBASEFsck Scalability.
HBASE-16056: Procedure v2 - fix master crash for FileNotFound.
HBASE-16059: Region normalizer fails to trigger merge action where one of the regions is empty.
HBASE-16062: Improper error handling in WAL Reader/Writer creation.
HBASE-16064: Delete backup command shows HDFS permission error when deleting the intended backup.
HBASE-16065: HBASE backup set describe command does not inform if the set does not exist.
HBASE-16088: HBASE restore gives a misleading message if the table doesn't exist.
HBASE-16132: Scan does not return all the result when regionserver is busy.
HBASE-16267: Remove commons-httpclient dependency from HBASE-rest module.
HBASE-16288: HFile intermediate block level indexes might recurse forever creating multi TB files.
HBASE-16314: Retry on table snapshot failure.
HBASE-16315: RegionSizeCalculator prints region names as binary without escapes.
HBASE-16319: Fix TestCacheOnWrite after HBASE-16288.
HBASE-16350: Undo server abort from HBASE-14968.
HBASE-16358: Backup create command log success/failure with backup id.
HBASE-16359: NullPointerException in RSRpcServices.openRegion().
HBASE-16367: Race between master and region server initialization may lead to premature server abort.
HBASE-16377: ServerName check is ineffective in region_mover.rb.