Release Notes
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HDP 2.5.0 provides Knox 0.9.0 and the following Apache patches:

  • KNOX-705: Improvement on 404 error messages with ambari views.

  • KNOX-711: Added the ability to scope rewrite rules.

  • KNOX-712: submitPig does not allow multiple argument via arg().

  • KNOX-713: Knox Shell HDFS.get.Request is Package Private.

  • KNOX-714: Remove Permissive MIT License from NOTICE File.

  • KNOX-715: submitJava should allow multiple argument via arg().

  • KNOX-716: replayBufferSize is kept in bytes.

  • KNOX-717: Changed the location header in RANGERUI rewrite to be more specific.

  • KNOX-721: Added rewrite rules to take care of no slash url.

  • KNOX-722: Changed KnoxSessionStore to not base64 empty cookie value.

  • KNOX-723: Qualifying the login page resources with the front end path.

  • KNOX-724: Ambari view fixes.

  • KNOX-725: Defining policy chain for ambari and ranger services.

  • KNOX-726: Clean up Skipped Unit Tests.

  • KNOX-731: Added ranger and ambari services to topology.