Core Capabilities:
Enterprise Readiness:
Ease of Use:
Core Features:
Security Features:
Manageability: Capture data transfer details for various available replications (FALCON-1479) Support for multiple lib paths in Falcon process (FALCON-887) Supply user-defined properties to Oozie workflows during schedule (FALCON-1573) Add ability to rerun process by ID (FALCON-1525) Improved Metrics related to pipelines and instances (FALCON-1766)
Developer Productivity:
Developer Productivity:
Core Features:
Streamlined Operations: Revamped HBase Dashboard in Ambari (HBASE-12133, HBASE-13965, HBASE-14082, HBASE-14166, HBASE-14205, HBASE-14274, HBASE-14274, HBASE-14278, HBASE-14459, HBASE-14778, HBASE-14862, HBASE-14869, HBASE-14891, HBASE-14976, HBASE-14983, HBASE-15135, HBASE-15163, HBASE-15222, HBASE-15376, HBASE-15377, HBASE-15412, HBASE-15435, HBASE-15464, HBASE-15518, HBASE-15519, HBASE-15586, HBASE-15671)
EDW Offload: Dynamically partitioned hash join : Query Execution (HIVE-4924) Composable Stats from partition stats/ HLL (HIVE-13418) Vectorization: NPE for added columns in ORC non-partitioned tables (aka
Schema Evolution) (HIVE-9985) Microstrategy Superapp: SQL Gaps: order by UDF in over clause (HIVE-13475) Cognos OLAP asks (HIVE-4662) General ORC schema evolution (HIVE-13178) Don't create empty bucket files (HIVE-13040) More scalable partition loads (HIVE-12988)
Interactive SQL: Sub-5-Second: Compile simple query in less than 300 milliseconds (includes
metastore) (HIVE-7926) Bucketed Table: prune buckets for filters (HIVE-10924) Sub-5-Second: Parallelize Query compilation in HS2 (HIVE-11525) Statement.setQueryTimeout() implemented in the Hive JDBC driver (HIVE-4239) Plan generation : Improve performance of PartitionPruner and
PredicatePushDown transformation optimizations (HIVE-12878) Support rely/no-validate PK/FK relationship in Hive (HIVE-13076) Optimize metadata-only HAVING query (HIVE-12640, HIVE-12645)
Enterprise Readiness: Hiveserver2 ThriftHttpServlet does not process X-Forwarded-For (HIVE-10673) Make Beeline usage easier (HIVE-11141) Log additional information in HiveServer2 (HIVE-11684) Support lazy initiation for TEZ session when start hive CLI (HIVE-11969) Extend Hive JDBC functionality to support Hive View use cases (HIVE-6535) Hive - support Row level filtering and column masking (HIVE-13125)
Streamlined Operations:
Enterprise Readiness:
Core Security:
Enterprise Readiness:
Core Features:
Developer Productivity:
Core Features: Multi-tenancy Improvements: Namespace (PHOENIX-1311) Multi-tenancy Improvements: RegionServer Group based Assignment (HBASE-6721) Multi-tenancy Improvements: Local Index in Apache Phoenix goes into
default HBase namespace (PHOENIX-1311) Stabilize Phoenix Local Secondary Indexes (PHOENIX-1734) Option to Make Secondary Indexes Always Readable (PHOENIX-2221)
Advanced Security: Ranger policy model to support data masking (RANGER-873) Ranger policy model to support row-filtering (RANGER-908) Dynamic Tag Based Access Policy (RANGER-274) Time and Prohibition-based Access Policy (RANGER-606) Location-based Access Policy (RANGER-596)
Enterprise Readiness: Ranger KMS – Safenet Luna HSM Integration (RANGER-868) Improvements on Reports page in Ranger Admin : Enhanced search by resource
access, tags, etc. download report to a Excel, csv (RANGER-913) Remove support for DB based auditing (RANGER-900) Script and process to migrate existing audit from RDBMS to Solr (RANGER-271) Support multiple OU in LDAP search for Ranger usersync (RANGER-803) UserSync : limit the groups associated with users based on the
group-search results (RANGER-869) Provide support to delete Users and Groups from Ranger Admin UI (RANGER-888) Add Ranger related rules to SmartSense
Streamlined Operations:
Developer Productivity:
Advanced Security:
Developer Productivity:
Streamlined Operations:
Enterprise Readiness:
Core Capability:
Advanced Security:
Streamlined Operations: