Data CollectionPDF version

Using Cloudera Manager

If you are working on a CSD-based deployment, Cloudera Data Science Workbench logs and diagnostic data are available as part of the diagnostic bundles created by Cloudera Manager.

By default, Cloudera Manager is configured to collect diagnostic data weekly and to send it to Cloudera automatically. You can schedule the frequency of data collection on a daily, weekly, or monthly schedule, or even disable the scheduled collection of data. To learn how to configure the frequency of data collection or disable it entirely, see Diagnostic Data Collection by Cloudera Manager.

You can also manually trigger a collection and transfer of diagnostic data to Cloudera at any time. For instructions, see Manually Collecting and Sending Diagnostic Data to Cloudera.

You can configure what directory Cloudera Manager uses as a staging directory for diagnostic bundles. Change the Log Staging Directory property for your Cloudera Data Science Workbench instance in Cloudera Manager to set a different directory.

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