Release NotesPDF version

New Features and Changes in Cloudera Data Science Workbench 1.10.0

Major features and updates for Cloudera Data Science Workbench.

  • Cloudera ML Runtimes are in GA and the default and recommended solution to run user workloads. New projects will be created with ML Runtimes configured by default and we recommend migrating existing projects to use ML Runtimes. Legacy Engines are deprecated and will be removed in a future release but workloads running on them remain fully supported.
  • New ML Runtimes 2021.09 are available including:
    • NVIDIA GPU edition
    • RAPIDS edition
    • Scala and R support kernels
  • New capabilities on ML Runtimes:
    • Register customized Runtime - Administrators can register an externally built Runtime to provide Data Scientists with a customized environment.
    • Runtime Catalog
    • Connecting to secure Docker registries - Administrators can now add basic Docker credentials for external docker registries.
    • CDSWCTL support for ML Runtimes
  • Applied Machine Prototypes (AMPs) - Applied ML Prototypes (AMPs) are now generally available inside the product, which provide end-to-end prototypes to help kickstart real customer use cases. AMPs effectively package pre-built models for data scientists to tailor for their own needs, as well as enable data scientists to learn how the different parts of CML work together.
  • APIv2 - A new API for operations on Projects, Jobs, Models, and Applications is now generally available.
  • Business user experience - A new user role, ML BusinessUser, provides restricted access to view Applications created in CML.
  • User and workload level environment variables now override global settings
  • Support for Kubernetes 1.19.15
RPM installations deprecated
RPM installations are deprecated and only applicable for HDP. Please choose a different installation method for CDH 6 and CDP.
RPM installations are not supported with RHEL 8.2 OS.
CDSW host requirements
CDSW now requires the OS packages curl and bash to be installed on all hosts. Having packages nmap-ncat and socat installed is no longer required on CDSW hosts.
Register customized Runtime
Administrators can register an externally built Runtime to provide Data Scientists with a customized environment.
Support user API key rotation
Administrators can rotate keys for all users, or users can rotate their own keys, just by clicking on a button.
AMP specification for Runtimes
You can specify which Runtimes to use in AMPs.
New base engine released
Engine:15 is now available.
Configurable engine image for Jobs
You can specify which engine to use for a Job. Jobs use the Project engine by default.
Web session timeouts
Timeout limits for User and Admin User web sessions were changed to be a period of inactivity, instead of a set time limit.

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